Thursday, September 19

Inflation in the United States: study reveals that consumers will have to pay higher prices this second half of the year

Inflación en Estados Unidos: estudio revela que los consumidores deberán pagar precios más caros este segundo semestre del año
Studies reveal that the second semester will be complicated for all retailers in the country, especially due to logistics and product delivery issues.


The outlook for retail companies due to inflation is not encouraging this second half of the year, a few hours ago it was announced that this sector of the US economy will spend $ 223 billion dollars in this period.

Beyond the economic recovery that has occurred since it began 2021, the business class and consumers have had to face the phenomenon of inflation that, in some way, has put some in trouble, this fear is adding to the Delta variant of Covid – 19, which they hope will not affect the economy .

Salesforce reported that this figure represents an increase from 62% compared to last year. According to the study, $ 12 thousand millions of additional dollars will go to suppliers, $ 48 $ 1 billion more will be salary expenses and $ 163 additional billion dollars in logistics costs.

Rob Garf, Salesforce vice president and general manager of retail sales, told CNBC that consumers, in turn , will suffer the impact of this, since they must get used to the idea that the prices of the products they consume, no matter what it is, will increase .

Perhaps what will most impact the market in general is logistics, since that is where a preponderant role is played to guarantee the supply of products . For months, several businessmen said that this section was already a problem because there has been a shortage.

The adverse scenario projected by experts occurs at times where trucking rates are at an all-time high, a 49 % higher than in 2020 and a 83% higher than in pre-pandemic times. Situation that puts the market in predicaments .

To this must be added that the demand for e-commerce storage is also increasing as online shopping explodes. According to the study, this scenario will put many companies in trouble because if the logistics issue is not improved, there will be delays in deliveries.

Salesforce will also have to do with it. predicts US retailers will have a worker shortage calculated at , 02 workers for November and through the Christmas season. According to the expert, this will cause wages to rise by up to %, from a median of $ 13. 02 dollars for the holiday shopping spike in 2020 to $ 19 this Christmas season.

Following what was outlined by the company in the coming months they will be synonymous with a huge expense for retail companies that for more than a year have had to battle with the consequences of the pandemic and now will have to face the market rises. For this reason, companies face one of the greatest challenges to finish this 2021.

You too may interest: Fears of companies to the expansion of the Delta variant