Friday, September 20

Governor Newsom's Budget Perpetuates Systematic Exclusion and Continues Discrimination Against Latino Media

By: Latino Media Collaborative

Dear Governor Newsom:

Latino communities across the state are just reeling from some of the highest rates of infection, death, and economic disaster. They have been devastated by the COVID pandemic – 19 and face an uphill battle towards their restoration.

For its part, California’s Latino media has never been more vital to these vulnerable communities, so often marginalized by the mainstream media and excluded from the reach of the government.

These publications have worked tirelessly to provide critical, often life-saving information and guidance. They have done so both during the pandemic, in the course of the economic downturn, and as communities struggle to recover. For this reason, it is like a slap in the face to California’s Latinos, workers, and communities of color that the state budget proposal does not dedicate its outreach funds to ensuring that Latino media – as well as other ethnic community media – treat them with justice and priority.

The Latino media served as a true lifeline for our communities throughout this historic crisis. They have done this by providing essential and reliable news coverage, guidance and information, in the language of the community and according to their specific needs. They have done it even when both governments and the mainstream media did not.

Our recent study on Latino and other community media, “The Situation of Community Media and Ethnicities in California: Influence, Differences in Resources and Opportunities ”, shows that 30% of these media began their coverage of the pandemic in January, that is, before the it would have become a matter of general concern throughout the country. In addition, 61. 8% of them provided their readers with elements for data verification or directly denied false information.

Latino media has thus been essential to Latino communities during the pandemic. They are absolutely critical to your recovery.

We, the Latino Media Collaborative, form a broad coalition of print and digital media. And we are resorting to the extraordinary act of addressing you publicly, Governor Newsom, because your inaction during this crisis leaves us with no other option. Our media provided strategic support to his administration and his efforts during the pandemic and beyond. We have committed unprecedented resources to inform and protect the lives of Latinos during these difficult times.

We have met with your representatives. We let them know what the most urgent needs of these media and the vulnerable communities we serve were. We ask for your leadership.

Your office said it recognized the need for an investment immediate in the Latin media. He promised to fulfill that commitment. We expected then that you and your office will demonstrate leadership. But their actions ignore our requirements and instead point to another failure to give California’s Latino population the priority it deserves in these critical moments of recovery.

In almost everyone By the same token, Latinos – California’s largest ethnic or racial group – have suffered the worst impacts of the COVID pandemic – 19. Statewide, they faced a dramatically higher risk of exposure than non-Latino whites (23. 6% vs. 2.9%), as well as a contagion rate more than three times higher. They have died from the virus 1.5 times more often.

But the rate of COVID tests – 19 for Latinos in California is significantly lower than for non-Latino whites. Only 25% of California Latinos have been vaccinated, versus 52% of whites . And many Latinos are excluded from economic relief, despite being among those most affected by the economic downturn caused by the pandemic.

These incredible disparities can be attributed to failures in responses and aid programs run by the government. This once again demonstrates the need for strategic alliances with the Latino media, which can reach this population and communicate essential information about government resources and programs.

After years of systemic underinvestment in advertising by government agencies, revenue losses resulting from the pandemic increased pressures on the sector, precisely when California’s Latino population needs it most. By refraining from promoting egalitarian policies and investment priorities that take into account Latino media and the devastated communities they serve, the state budget proposal risks making the same mistake all over again, incurring neglect and underinvestment. of Latino communities.

If you are truly committed to an equitable recovery from COVID – 19 , it is time for you to “put the money where your words are” and immediately allocate funds to the Latino media through the state budget or failing that, through subsequent legislation.

The Latino Media Collaborative (LMC), in collaboration with the California Latino Legislative Caucus, is committed to finding solutions to this problem. During the remaining days of the 2021 legislature, we will continue to advocate for our priorities and look forward to your leadership and support in these important efforts. Ethnic and community media are a vital livelihood for many California communities. The time to act is now.