Friday, September 20

Gabriel Soto talks about Geraldine Bazán's new romance and assures that he will always protect her

Gabriel Soto attended the media he met at the International Airport of the City from Mexico, where he spoke for the first time about the new romance of Geraldine Bazán and if it is true that they signed a contract by which he could take alimony from his daughters.

The actor, who was in the company of his fiancee, the also actress, Irina Baeva , responds to the rumors that arose a few days ago that supposedly was thinking of taking her alimony to his ex , who has a new affair .

“Not at all, it is totally false, I will always look out for the welfare of the mother of my daughters and for my daughters too, obviously.”

And, according to some media, the couple of actors would have signed a contract in which they agree They said that he would withdraw her financial support and the house where she lives with her daughters in case Geraldine had a new romantic relationship.

But to everyone’s surprise, when asked about what he thinks of the romance of Bazán , Soto assured that She is very pleased to see her happy and that she will always protect her for being the mother of her daughters.

I am very pleased, really , I’ve always said it, as long as she’s fine, my daughters will be fine; And as long as I’m okay, my daughters are going to be okay. The most important thing I have always said, is the well-being of our daughters, I will always protect them and their mother “, he explained while walking with the actress of Russian origin .

For now, both Baeva and Soto preferred not to talk about their wedding preparations, as they have some projects on the horizon that could delay their plans.

Everything in due course, we’ll see what happens. We already had an appointment with the wedding planner. We are just looking at the dates, fortunately there are many work plans “, they explained before the cameras of the program ‘Hoy’.

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