Friday, September 20

Fears of companies to the expansion of the Delta variant

Since the Delta variant of Covid began to massify – 19 millions of people have panicked, especially the business class, which Over the past year he saw his businesses lose millions of dollars and at worst went bankrupt .

According to According to a report from the CNBC chain, this situation is forcing entrepreneurs in various industries to consider the risk of new outbreaks that, once again, will affect the economic recovery and Profits from businesses that returned to operating a few months ago.

Throughout the country, various businesses and companies have implemented various strategies for Americans to return to consuming in a generalized way, within the shares that have launched are discounts on all kinds of products and special prices to help the family economy.

By ta The reason, the concern is that the CEOs of the firms, once again, will begin to provide more cautious earnings projections for the rest of the year, at least, until they know what the real impact of the Delta variant will be.

It is no coincidence that the business and industrial class is setting off the alarms, as another massive outbreak of Covid – 19 may affect the profits of companies , but also the development of millions of families throughout the country that daily struggle to recover some of what they lost in 2020.

Since the appearance of the Delta variant of the virus was announced, the American business class has been extremely attentive to its evolution and impact on society, for such reason, they gave themselves the task of making an analysis of what is happening in order to be prevented .

For this reason, in said analysis, the money men point out that the virus is slowly disappearing and any outbreak will be manageable . In addition, it is stated that national economic activity is at a peak of earnings and a peak of growth.

In addition, the business report indicates that earnings will continue to grow , but the growth rate is slowing down, which implies that in some sections of the national economy there will be a slight decline, but despite this there are no complicated scenarios.

Regarding the hikes, they agree with the government in the sense that “inflation is transitory” and there will be a generalized price equilibrium throughout the country in the coming months. For now, lower bond yields mean the Federal Reserve still has the upper hand.

Yesterday, businessman Bill Ackman informed CNBC that the spread of the Delta variant, in his understanding, does not pose a significant threat to the economic reopening. In addition, the billionaire said that interest rates rise as a result of the economic recovery .

You may also be interested in: The Delta variant would not stop economic growth in the US, according to specialists