Friday, September 13

Chef José Andrés receives $ 100 million donation from Jeff Bezos

El chef José Andrés recibe donación de $100 millones de dólares de Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos with chef José Andrés (left) and commentator Van Jones (right) in Van Horn, Texas.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Jeff Bezos , the richest man in the world, continues to distribute part of his immense fortune and this Tuesday he announced that will donate $ 100 million dollars to chef José Andrés and political commentator Van Jones as part of a new initiative called “Premio Coraje y Civilidad ”.

Become the man of the day after traveled to space outside and returned safely , Bezos revealed the donations during a press conference and said the two Recipients -Andrés and Jones- could do with the money whatever they wanted , including using it for their own charitable causes.

Bezos announced a few days ago a donation of $ 200 million dollars to the Smithsonian Institution to boost the National Air Museum and the Space or.

The reason why the founder and owner of Amazon decided to select the Spanish chef and CNN commentator it is because they have shown the courage to unite people in a divided world , said Bezos.

The second recipient of the $ 100 M award is Chef Jose Andres, founder of the food relief non-profit World Central Kitchen.

He’s known for providing hunger relief in areas that experience natural disasters.

He now has $ 100 M to continue his non-profit work.

– Emily Calandrelli (@TheSpaceGal) July 20, 2021

“We need unifying and not defamatory. We need people who argue strongly and act forcefully for the things they believe in , ”Bezos said. “But they always do that with civility and never with attacks ‘ad hominem’ (personal attacks). Unfortunately, we live in a world where this is often not the case. But we have examples to follow. ”

José Andrés, a renowned chef who has dedicated efforts to promoting nutrition for those suffering from hunger in the world through his organization World Central Kitchen said that the donation means “the beginning of a new chapter for us”.

The fortune of Jeff Bezos reached $ 211, 000 millions of dollars when Amazon shares rise.