Monday, July 8

The spiritual meaning of acne pimples and pimples: how to interpret them based on their location on the face

El significado espiritual de los granos y espinillas de acné: cómo interpretarlos según su ubicación en la cara
Acne can be a reflection of emotional states.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Acne pimples and pimples have a spiritual message for you. These imperfections appear when the hair follicles become clogged with fat and dead skin cells, explain specialists , but they also have a reflection of our habits.

Depending on the place of the face where they are presented is the meaning they will have. The skin expresses how we feel inside , so that acne can be a way of evaluating our physical and mental health .

The astrologer Susan Taylor explained in Astrophame how to interpret the pimples and pimples that we have on our face.

Acne around the eyebrows or in the corners of the mouth

According to Taylor, represents liver damage as a result of anger, frustration and impatience. It tells of a person whose mood suffers constant ups and downs and is probably living under stress . The astrologer’s advice is to relax and eat a balanced diet.

Acne on the cheeks

People who have pimples on their cheeks often go through states of sadness, regret or are going through a duel . It is also a reflection of respiratory problems. Taylor said that it is advisable to avoid smoking and take walks in natural areas to get away from city stress.

Pimples or pimples on the nose

Annoying pimples on the nose represent anxiety, anger and lack of confidence . Chinese medicine relates this part of the body to the heart, so it says that it can warn of chest pains or palpitations. The astrologer suggests trying meditation to relax and opt for a healthier diet.

Acne on the forehead

Tells about a person who is undergoing hormonal changes and has an unbalanced digestion. However, it is also a reflection of fear of not doing what you want , that is, lack of self-discipline . It can also represent an excessive appetite, constipation or diarrhea. The expert’s advice is to drink green tea, eat less sugar and keep the body well hydrated.

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