Saturday, October 5

Inflation in the United States: Republicans already stigmatize the president for price increases, assure that there is a “Bidenflation”

Inflación en Estados Unidos: republicanos ya estigmatizan al presidente por las alzas de precios, aseguran que se vive una “Bidenflación”
Joe Biden is being severely singled out by the opposition for the issue of inflation, despite this, the president has said that the increases they will stabilize in a few months.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

Republicans are clear that the inflationary phenomenon in the country is a reason for criticizing the BIden administration , which, according to them, has been unable to stop the increases in all products in the country. For this reason, opponents have said that the current economic policy is not functional .

The Republican position has to do with the high costs of gasoline, food in general, automobiles, as well as other goods and services that are putting families in trouble. Last year prices plummeted during the Covid pandemic – 19 .

According to official figures, provided By the Department of Labor, consumer prices have increased by 5.4% in the last 12 months. According to the government report, the rapid reopening of the economy that began to take place since the beginning of this year, has pushed inflation up .

For this reason, Republicans have had no qualms about publicly stating that the phenomenon in the hikes, is nothing more than the “Bidenflation” . This new form of attack on the Democratic administration, but in particular President Joe Biden is already part of the dynamics of public attacks by opponents.

According to The Hill, Republican Senator Joni Ernst, in a speech, within the framework of a session in the Upper House, through a poster, expressed her full disagreement with inflation. The public movements being made by the Republican parliamentary group is a show of pressure on Biden .

But the pressure for price adjustments comes not only from legislators, but also from the Republican National Committee of Congress, as they published a series of July 4 commercials beating Democrats over the rising cost of “hamburgers, bread, propane, and gas.”

A Despite the fact that economists and representatives of the federal government such as Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen have expressed that they are confident that inflation is a transitory phenomenon and that it is not thought that it will persist for much longer, Republicans have found a way to launch attacks to the government.

Probably, as inflation rates are decreasing and prices adjust to the new commercial reality, in parliamentary sessions se will guide by repeatedly hearing the term “Bidenflation” in order to wear down the president in the media.

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