Saturday, September 28

Vicente Fernández Jr.'s girlfriend is accused of kidnapping and murder, but she defends herself

Novia de Vicente Fernández Jr. es acusada de secuestro y asesinato, pero ella se defiende
Vicente Fernández Jr. and his girlfriend Mariana Rodríguez.

Photo: Archive / Reform Agency

Mariana González Padilla , who is known to be the girlfriend of Vicente Fernández Jr. and has been called the “Mexican Kim Kardashian” expressed her annoyance at the serious accusations made a few days ago by TVNotas magazine, where assured that she is a suspect in the kidnapping and murder of one of her ex-boyfriends.

According to the Mexican publication, Lilia Yolanda Arriola Pérez assured that Vicente Fernández Jr.’s girlfriend is involved in the kidnapping that cost his brother his life in the year 2016 and where they charged $ 10 million dollars as ransom; What aroused their suspicions was that soon after the model began to build her residence and went on a trip to Dubai for two months.

But undoubtedly what attracted attention was that Yolanda sent messages to the singer’s family, where warned that the son of “Charro de Huentitán” could be the next victim of Mariana , whom he also accused of being a “gold digger”.

“Don Vicente Fernández adored, who is a warrior and has raised many battles, that alienate their child, if they do not want to suffer the loss of a first-born; turn on your red lights and realize what kind of person Mariana is . I dare to see them face to face to tell them, I want you to meet this woman , justice will give us the right, if I’m wrong or not. Whoever kidnaps once, does it a thousand times more; this woman is careful “, reads the weekly publication.

Mariana González defends herself against the accusations

After the series of accusations, the Influencer originally from Tepatitlán, Jalisco, raised her voice to defend herself, assuring that she will face legal actions and that “ everything will be solved, but directly in the courts “.

As for the woman who made the accusations, Mariana replied that this situation bothers her because nothing of what he said is true and he is only looking for fame:

That is not my sister-in-law, this is all a lie and it will be settled in court. In reality, they are people who want five minutes of fame or five pesos that they don’t have to eat right now. It bothers me because so many people want to hang up. They are destroying my prestige and that of my family , “she explained to the cameras of the Despierta América program, who questioned her during her most recent visit to Las Vegas.

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