Sunday, September 29

Elected representative of the capital's citizens abroad wants to change the concept of 'poor little' migrant

Representante electo de los capitalinos en el exterior quiere cambiar el concepto de migrante ‘pobrecito’
Raúl Torres is the first migrant deputy from Mexico City.

Photo: Agustín Durán / Impremedia

In Los Angeles, the city where his father started the American Dream, after the crisis of . – Salinas de Gortari’s six-year term will lead him to lose everything in the Mexican capital, Raúl Torres, the first migrant deputy elected to the Congress of Mexico City, began a tour of gratitude and commitment.

“I am the example of that migration in which my father arrived as a migrant to Mexico City and the need made him leave… I am the example of that migration that it takes time to see their parents reunite… And I am the example of migration where the father or mother works so that the second generation does better… ”

These were some of the first words Torres addressed to some 30 people, mostly from Mexico City, who met in a Bell Gardens office on Thursday from July; the objective was to know, establish relationships, thank and talk about their plans.

One of Torres’ first goals, he mentioned, is to eliminate the concept of the ‘poor little’ migrant. “We are already up to the m… of being called ‘poor little ones’, because to cross the border, whether it is the highest or lowest class, you need a lot of pants.”

He stressed that, to change this concept, not only does Mexico have to be where there is great ignorance on the part of the media and the political sector of what it means to be a migrant, but also you have to do in the United States.

Capitalists abroad came to listen to Raúl Torres, the migrant elected deputy.

That is why a large part of its political agenda has been focused on eliminating that concept, recognizing who the migrant from the capital is outside the country to provide them with all those tools that help them get ahead and be successful inside and outside the country. Mexico.

Some of the commitments in which you are already planning the work are: a photo ID (license driving license) that can be obtained at the Mexican consulates and establish a Migrant Fund to help people who return to Mexico of their own free will or deported.

In addition, the elected deputy spoke of establishing a Migrant Center in Mexico City to help migrants, even digitally, in matters of civil registration such as birth certificates and death certificates among other documents. There was also talk of a certified legal team that helps resolve the issues of migrants and their families, in this way, they will have the correct information and will not be disappointed, as he was in his attempt to reunite with his father in the United States. .

Torres explained that the capital migrants from the 2000 from now on they are more active socially and politically speaking; have an average of 49 years of age and higher socioeconomic power than most migrants from other states.

He emphasized that in the 2019, the capital migrants sent their families about 1, 768 million dollars and in the 2020, exceeded 2, 100 million dollars.

In this line, the elected official said that he will unite the capital’s communities within and outside of Mexico to work and find a way to do business, grow together, not only in the financial sphere, but artistic, cultural and educational, etc. In addition, she emphasized on establishing a support network to help women, specifically, those who suffer from violence.

She added that she seeks to present a book where all the stories of successful migrants are told; In this way, both their family members, Congress and the population in general, will get to know closely that effort, work and challenges that they had to overcome in order to achieve success.

“Being here –United States- is brave, and it is important that the people, the media and Congress know about it, “Torres said. “We will establish the Medal of the Migrant on an annual basis, to recognize the work of people in the environment, the economy or in any area that stands out. We want to be recognized. ”

To finish his presentation, Torres, escorted by Sergio Infanzón, from the Southeast Leadership Network, and by Pablo Martínez of Identity Mexico City-LA, the migrant deputy without elaborate phrases and in a simple and humble way pointed out.

“I am an employee of you… A facilitator who hired me for the next three years, ”he explained. “Let’s stop seeing ourselves as the poor migrant. Let’s help the community wake up and participate, both here –USA.- and there. ”

Torres said that he would visit Los Angeles every month and a half to ensure that the proposal is gradually fulfilled, but he also asked for the participation of the community, He asked that they pressure him, that they participate, that they get on the boat, whether or not they voted for him since his goal is ‘I will work for everyone’.