Tuesday, October 1

Fill your home with positive energy, follow these tips

Home is the place where we should feel protected, at peace, and full of tranquility, that is why it is important that it looks excellent so that it really is our refuge at all times, that is why it is important may it always be full of positive energy, for you and your family.

And it is that after a long day of work, what most people want is to get home, because they feel relief and tranquility of being in their space.

Peace of mind at home

And not only that, but it is the place where they feel protected and relaxed.

So do not miss the advice given by the experts so that you fill your home with positive energy and you can enjoy being at home to the fullest.

Your home is a place where you can fully enjoy your life, to relax, spend happy moments in the company of your loved ones.

Enjoy a pleasant atmosphere

But there is not always the ideal environment for you can enjoy it, so you have to get to work to clean it of all those bad vibes that you bring into your house without wanting to, and that you let in the positive energy that is so much needed.

We know that order and lighting play a very important role in creating a healthy environment in all places and more if it is for your home, but they are only some factors so that you can fill your home with positive energy.

How to fill your home with positive energy

We give you some tips so that positive energy fills your home and you can take out the bad vibes.

Ring a bell

The The sound of a bell helps the negative energies to align and creates a negative flow or positive chi, according to the recommendations of Feng Shui.

The campaign must be played every corner of the rooms and subsequently you must do the same in the corridors.

In this way, each space can be filled with positive energy, which will make you fully enjoy your stay at home.

Color your home

Experts recommend that you paint your walls yellow, which is the color of happiness, and what better way than to have it in your home,

With the color yellow the rays of natural light are attracted and of course you let positive energy enter your home.

Although yellow is recommended for places where you are more active, such as the kitchen or living room, since for places to rest they are not the best, for these the best is paint light green, which helps to rest and relax.

Order and cleanliness in your home

One of the main rules for positive energy to flow in the home is that there is order and cleanliness, since otherwise the bad vibes accumulate at home, which causes a cloudy environment among its inhabitants.

Therefore, you must do a deep cleaning at home, throw away what you no longer use or do not need, that is only taking up space and worst, it is obstructing the entry and circulation of the positive energy in your home.

When having a dirty and untidy home, it is common to feel dissatisfied, that is why it is important that you maintain order and cleanliness at home.

Since having your house clean and tidy, you let in the good vibes and when you come from the street there is nothing more comforting than being in a comforting place, in order and very neat .

Clean with salt

Salt is one of the elements that are very useful to purify the environment and what better than in your home.

What you have to do is place a pinch in each corner of the rooms, leave it like that for two days and then you can clean the place, that way your house will be filled with clean energy.

Set incenses

The smell of incense will always help fill your home with positive energy, you can light one of the aroma that you like the most.

Since in addition to scenting your home, it will fill the place with positive energy, so do not hesitate to light one at home.

Open windows

It is a very good practice for positive energy to enter, that you open the sales of your house at least once a day, since bad vibes that have built up can come out.

Since by letting clean air into your house, the environment changes and is filled with those good energies that you are looking for so much.

No to the corners

According to the discipline of Feng Shui , it is best to eliminate the corners, that is, that the edges are not affiliated, that is, you should avoid the angles, it is better that they be curved.

In the same way, it is recommended to decorate with circular objects than with squares, since they steal the positive energy of the places.

Mirrors, mirrors, mirrors

Having several mirrors at home is good, but they must be round.

Mirrors, in addition to giving the feeling that the place is larger, help positive energy flow more easily in the home.

Goodbye to broken things

Like dirt and disorder, broken things are elements that contribute to stagnate energies, that’s why immediately throw away things and objects that are broken, as this is only stopping you from having a clean environment full of positive energy in your home.

Since broken things are trapping negative energy and expanding it in your home .

In the same way, remove things that are already very old or that have not been used for a long time.


When we talk about redecorating, you don’t necessarily have to buy new furniture and objects, since you can simply move things around and thus give the impression of having renovated the site .

That way, negative energies don’t stagnate.

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