Monday, September 30

Find out which are the best teas to relax

After a long day of work, the most desired thing is to get home not only to rest, but to relax, there is already a variety of teas that you can prepare in a short time and enjoy a pleasant rest, away from stress .

And it is that life is increasingly stressful, so it is time to spend time and learn to relax and be calm, whether after a stressful day at work or activities that take place during the day.

Relaxing teas

There is nothing more relaxing than having a tea and lie down on a sofa or in bed, and disconnect from the outside world in order to enjoy the family atmosphere that we have in our homes.

There are several teas that you can prepare and consume to feel relaxed, now it depends on your tastes, because each one contains anti-stress properties.

And how they help us to relax, therefore they will help us to fall asleep in an easier way and sleep on time that our body requires it.

Since after being subjected to tense situations, what we want is to get home to be able to rest and relax, to be able to sleep peacefully and to be able to perform at the best the next day .

And it is that many people lead a very hectic life, that they do not have time to go for a walk or do some exercise to release the tensions of the day.

The 12 best teas to relax

There are various infusions that you can consume, but this time we present 10 options, so you can choose the ones you like the most and can say goodbye to stress after a heavy workday.

Although work is not necessarily stressful, since there are various activities and situations that push our senses and thoughts to the limit.

So no matter what is causing your stress, these infusions will help you to be relaxed, to say goodbye to insomnia and anxiety, so calm down and tranquility will come into your life.


One of the most recommended teas against anxiety and stress is undoubtedly valerian, due to its sedative effect, which helps the nervous system relax.

It is a plant that helps people to have a more restful sleep, that is why it is one of the most recommended to counteract stress.


Another highly recommended plant is kava, native to the South Pacific area, and stands out for its high benefits to reduce anxiety.

According to specialized studies, kava tea helps a lot to counteract anxiety and insomnia, according to the site Psychology and Mind .


It is advisable to have a cup of oregano tea before sleeping to be able to fall asleep well, as it is a powerful relaxant.


Chamomile tea, in addition to having a flavor pleasant, it is used for having properties that help calm people’s nerves.

So An infusion of chamomile is recommended to combat anxiety and stress.


Grannies and aunts know very well that to relax, one of the most recommended teas is Tila’s.

It is a very useful oriental plant to relax and fall asleep, therefore it helps a good rest.


In addition to having a pleasant smell, lavender tea is excellent for releasing stress and relaxing, which is why it is one of the most recommended by experts.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties.


Hop tea is very effective against insomnia, depression, stress, anxiety and nervousness.

This plant, native to Europe, has a bitter taste, but it is very useful for you you can relax.


An infusion of sage helps to relax, in addition to having properties to help intestinal ailments.


This plant is used in ayurveda medicine to facilitate sleep, and is one of the most recommended teas to treat severe stress and exhaustion. Also helps to control blood pressure.

Herb Luisa

This infusion has been consumed since ancient times to help people against nervousness.

Melissa (Melisa)

This is another Central European plant, which is also known as Melissa, and its infusion helps to counteract anxiety, stress and nervousness.


A plant native to Mexico, it was used by the ancestors as a natural relaxant, and today, given the hectic life that many people lead, Pasionaria tea is an excellent recommendation to relax, for its sedative and analgesic properties.

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