Sunday, September 29

According to astrology, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are “destined to be together”

In recent months one of the couples that has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the press is the actress and singer Jennifer Lopez and the actor American Ben Affleck, who resumed their relationship after 19 years, and although many thought that artists would never fall in love again, the stars claim otherwise.

And the astrologer Rachel Lang , Ben and Jennifer are “meant to be together” , even though they were apart 19 years.

There has been so much euphoria between the press and the followers of both artists that the couple is already known as Bennifer 2.0, and they are filling the headlines and gossip magazines.

It was last April when Jennifer Lopez and former baseball player Alex Rodríguez announced their separation, after four years of relationship.

And almost immediately rumors began to emerge in the entertainment press that JLo, as Lopez is known, She was dating her ex, Ben Affleck, and after several weeks of speculation, the couple was seen in public, and from then on the spotlight turned on them. . ?

The stars say …

For the astrologer Rachel Lang , the romance between the Diva of the Bronx and the protagonist of Batman , was destined to happen, despite the various relationships that each of them had, in those himself. years they were apart.

“Ben and JLo have a lot in common,” said astrologer Lang, according to a article published on the site Women’s Health .

At first, he highlighted that both artists were born under the sign of Leo, which is already a good start.

“It’s easy to see why they are attracted to each other and why they were able to remain friends. At the same time, their birth charts show that each has a stubborn streak that could be challenging in the relationship, ”Lang noted.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s relationship

The first crush between Ben and Jennifer arose at the beginning of the decade of 2000, their relationship seemed to be taken from a fairy tale, that even were about to get married in 2004 , but just a few days before the wedding, they announced their separation.

Later they both had other partners and got married, had children and even divorced .

Jennifer Lopez has two children, the result of her married to salsa singer Marc Anthony, while Ben Affleck has three children, he had with actress Jennifer Garner, with whom he was married.

Everything seems to be connected between American celebrities, so that fate and the stars return them to join this 2021.

And it is that for the astrologer, there was never incompatibility in the astrological signs of the two Famous.

“Jennifer and Ben are loyal to the core (…) they only have to find a way to work together, precise Lang.

The same Moons

The astrologer specified that The Diva of the Bronx and the protagonist of Batman have the same moons, which is also a good sign of the stars.

And although it was done, it was marked since their first relationship, now the advantage that the couple has is who are more mature in their emotions.

Lang emphasizes that the Moon in the zodiac sign represents how he feels the person and how they respond to pressure .

So now, it is likely that “the two feel at home with each other and have a lot to talk about,” said the astrologer.

“Jennifer’s Saturn is opposed to Ben’s Moon. Saturn is the planet of stability, and its influence shows a solid foundation for the relationship, ”said Lang.

And not only that, the astrologer added that they can join forces to achieve their goal s.

But, not everything is honey on flakes in the relationship, since Lang said, that the disadvantage is that Saturn is often too serious. ”

Leo in Mercury

However, despite everything, the Bennifer 2.0 couple needs to find the balance to keep things light and fun.

Since being both Leo, they can face their stubbornness, which must reach a negotiation.

“Fixed signs can stand firm, making disagreements difficult to overcome” , Lang specified.

Jennifer and Affleck share the planet Mercury, which is about communication.

“This indicates a common communication style. Leo on Mercury may have a gift for drama. They speak with charisma. There is a passion behind every word. They are entertaining and can enjoy inviting friends “, assured the astrologer.

Even, Neptune, the planet of spirituality is a favorable factor for Jennifer’s planet, Mercury.

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