Monday, September 30

Vanessa Claudio would resign from Telemundo's' Suelta La Sopa ', according to' Chisme No Like, and the fans react like this

Vanessa Claudio is one of the presenters of “ Suelta La Sopa ” on Telemundo, the show program produced by High Hill Entertainment. Javier Ceriani dropped the bomb in “Gossip No Like” assuring that Claudio would go to work in Turkey.

To go to Turkey is because you are really very tired of ‘Drop The Soup’ “, said Ceriani.

The “güero cabaretero” said that Vanessa had spoken with Telemundo asking if there was “something better” for her on the network. Ceriani hinted that Aylín Mujica was “the queen” of the program since she is an exuberant woman.

Here the situation is because she is already fed up “, added Elisa Beristain . “ She is fed up [de] that all the attention has Aylín Mujica who is the favorite “.

Elisa said that Aylín became one of the favorites among the producers of the gossip show and in every situation that occurs, they always agree with her. It is also said that the other conductors side with the actress of Cuban origin since they see that she is the favorite of the bosses.

Ceriani noted that still It is not clear what day Vanessa resigns from the program, but which is between today Friday 16 July or Monday.

Beristain informed that Vanessa would have a soap opera proposal in Turkey.

After Javier Ceriani shared the news on Instagram, fans soon came out to support Vanessa’s decision Claudio.

“How good she is very intelligent deserves better opportunities that served her as experience,” wrote a follower.

“Don’t let her go, we love her here in Miami,” he wrote another user who doesn’t want Claudio to leave the show.

“I wouldn’t want him to leave. It does its job very well as well as bringing the glamor, ”added another user.