Saturday, September 21

State Department spends thousands of dollars a month on media campaign to discourage migrant caravans

Departamento de Estado gasta miles de dólares mensuales en campaña mediática para desalentar las caravanas migratorias
United States Government insists on discouraging migration, with more than 30 thousand radio messages per month.

Photo: Photo by Spencer Platt / Getty Images). / Getty Images

The US State Department assured that it will reinforce its messages to discourage irregular migration, in a media campaign that consists of some 30, 000 radio messages per month, which will be broadcast throughout Central America . It is estimated that this campaign had an approximate cost of $ 600. 000 dollars per month.

This is a new approach to deter migration to the United States by combating all those factors of “false” information that smugglers spread , in favor of their business, to generate a belief of that the enforcement of border laws have been relaxed with the Democratic administration and President Joe Biden at the helm.

For a few weeks , officials such as the Vice President Kamala Harris herself have visited the region to forcefully spread the message of “do not run to the US border” guided by irresponsible “coyotes” and also scammers because they have done of migration a business.

In this sense, for Andrew Selee, from the Institute for Migration Policy, radio is a means of mass diffusion especially in the most remote populations, however, it is important that the message is transmitted by recognized personalities , political or religious leaders so that the message reaches more effectively.

The detail that now more messages are being spread than before spring According to a State Department spokesperson, it is not because more is being paid but because the prices of the stations have changed, which allowed an increase in the number of messages of the campaign.

The messages are issued in El Salva dor, Guatemala, Honduras, and are made in Spanish and in about 5 native languages ​​and no more than 40 seconds of content. The main theme of most of the ads is to highlight the attachment to the communities of origin, to the family on the “American dream.”

All ads are signed last by the United States government . According to the Border Protection and Customs Office (CBP), migration to the United States of Central American citizens had increased at the beginning of the year but as of April this figure has decreased.

Last June, almost 550, 000 immigrants were detained or expelled from the borders with the United States, according to data from the Border Patrol or CBP.

In June 2021, CBP encountered 188, 829 persons attempting entry along the Southwest Border. This total represented a 5% increase over May 2021.

Press release:

Enforcement stats:

SW Land Border Encounters:

– CBP (@CBP) July 16, 2021

Since Biden came to power, contrary to what many migrants expected “that he would open the doors”, the message has been insistent on “do not come, because they will be returned” .

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