Saturday, September 21

Pablo Montero defends himself and exhibits a new video arguing with his former partner

Pablo Montero comes out to defend himself after being recently exhibited arguing with his former partner and mother of his daughters over a dining room , which Apparently he bought it.

After the video made public by the show program Ventaneando where the singer can be heard arguing strongly with his ex-wife, where everything indicates that his daughters They were witnessing the fight since it is possible to hear how one of them intervenes in the discussion, it is now the one who brings to light another video where he is not allowed to coexist with the little ones.

In the images you can see the interpreter arriving at the home with the intention of seeing his daughters, but the mother of the girls refuses to take them away because it is not the indicated date to do so, which causes the spirits to heat up in both and they begin to argue in front of the girls who are heard wanting to intervene to to stop fighting.

He himself has come out to clarify the situation about all the difficult situation his family is going through and gave an interview to the entertainment show.

According to the singer, the video that was made public previously is from a year ago and it is until now that it has been brought to light public, regarding the apartment in which his ex-wife and daughters live.

“We reached an agreement, she and I, I had to give her the 40% of the value of the house in San Ángel, I gave him the 80% of the value of the house, I furnished it and decorated it for him, I did all that I paid that extra money of good will ”, He expressed.

Regarding the restraining order that his partner is Carolina Van Wielink said that he has against the singer, he clarified that this was a demand of 2019 and which he did not proceed, for which he can enter and visit the areas common areas of the apartment in the Riviera Maya where his daughters reside with total freedom, regarding the amount that remains to pay for the apartment, he clarified that by mutual agreement it is the responsibility of his ex-wife since he had covered the agreed part.

When asked if he intended to withdraw permanent custody of the mother of The girls commented that these are not his intentions, he only seeks to respect the coexistence with his daughters on the days and dates stipulated by the Judge.

Regarding the current partner that Van Wielink has at this time, he asks him to respect the house and his home for the sake of his daughters and made it clear that he He has never made any bad comments about who his romantic partner was, nor does he intend to do so.