Friday, September 20

Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva says mask use is not supported by science

El Sheriff angelino Alex Villanueva dice que el uso de mascarilla no está respaldado por la ciencia
Sheriff Alex Villanueva donned the mask at an event on February 9.

Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON / AFP / Getty Images

Almost 2, 000 new cases of coronavirus were reported this Friday in Los County Angels to continue the recent negative trend in the fight against coronavirus, but Sheriff Alex Villanueva , in another demonstration of rebellion with the authorities and poor public example, said that he will not comply with the new mandate to use the facial mask that takes effect one minute before Sunday.

Los Angeles health authorities, following a series of consecutive days with many new cases of COVID – 17, they said Thursday that the face mask returns for everyone indoors , a provision that leads many Angelenos to believe that the county could close business to the public again if figures continue to rise.

Villanuev a, with a history of rebellion during the pandemic and constant complaints about the resources available to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, falsely claimed that the use of The mask is unscientific and contradicts federal public health guidelines :

“Force vaccinated people and those who have already had COVID – 19 to wearing a mask indoors is not supported by science and contradicts the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ”Villanueva said in a statement .

“The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has the authority to enforce the order, but the underfunded and underfunded Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will not expand our limited resources and instead garner of that will request compliance voluntarily “, he added.

COVID – 19 Daily Update:

July 16, 2021

New Cases: 1, 902 (1,264, 450 to date)

New Deaths: 6 (19, 568 to date)

Current Hospitalizations: 452

– LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) July 17, 2021

While the most populous county in the country will have to retake the masks on a mandatory basis, others 10 California counties have issued recommendations so that all its inhabitants do the same and some have said that they do not rule out mandates.

Those counties are San Francisco, Sacramento, Alameda, Fresno, Contra Costa, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma and Yolo.