Sunday, September 22

How to tell if gasoline is mixing with my car's engine oil

Cómo saber si la gasolina se está mezclando con el aceite del motor de mi auto
The mixture of gasoline and motor oil usually generates a strong smell of fuel in the car.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

During the combustion process that is generated inside the engine, it is normal for gasoline to end up mixing with the oil, but in very small amounts quantities . It is always a drip that does not have to be constant and that is a direct consequence of some slight leakage of the piston rings, as reported by Puro Motores. However, there are cases where this problem can be much more evident, becoming one of the main causes why a car consumes a lot of gasoline . When it is, there are some very notable signals:

1. The car acquires a characteristic fuel smell and this strong smell is accompanied by the presence of white smoke coming out of the engine exhaust system while driving. This first signal is the most common.

2. If only the smell is perceived or, failing that, the white smoke and there are doubts that the gasoline is mixing with the motor oil, it will be enough with take a little of the oil with the dipstick itself and put it in a container and then try to light it . If the oil catches fire immediately, it is a sign that both liquids are mixing in improper amounts.

3. Another signal may be the pressure between the fuel pump and the carburetor . If this pressure, which can be measured by an expert, drops suddenly after turning off the vehicle, then it is very likely that the gasoline is mixing with the oil.

4. Bad or just plain dirty injectors can also end up causing this problem. If there are still doubts, just do a review of this system . Any breakdown could be causing a leak that would be taking the gasoline to other places where it should not go. In these cases, it will not be too much to check under the car or be attentive to the place where we always park. Normally, leaks, even very small, leave traces when the vehicle has been at rest.

Some failures in the carburetor have also been pointed out as causing this problem , but when it comes to this part it is best to leave the car in the hands of a trusted expert. It is also important to bear in mind that, although the smell of gasoline in the car is one of the irrefutable evidence, it is advisable to observe other symptoms to be sure, since leaks in the injection system or in the fuel tank itself could cause that same smell.

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