Friday, September 20

California Becomes First State to Give Monthly Aid to Pregnant Women

California se convierte en el primer estado en dar ayuda mensual a mujeres embarazadas
Approved Guaranteed Income Plan in California.

Photo: Photo by Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

The state of California has approved a monthly cash payment plan to assist pregnant women and other qualified young adults who are out of the foster care program. It is the first guaranteed income plan without any restrictions on how to spend it, or conditions to be a beneficiary.

This plan consists of $ 35 initial millions of dollars, to guarantee a guaranteed income for low-income people. It will be funded by the same taxpayers and is intended to influence other states to grant the same type of aid.

The budget includes $ 35 million to pilot local programs that apply, focused on benefiting “pregnant people and children aging out of the foster care system, who often must make the transition to adulthood on their own. ”

– Jason Sisney (@jasonsisney) July 15, 2021

The difference of this plan with other government aid plans is that this time there will be no restrictions on how to spend that money. It will not be mandatory only to spend the money on rent or food, that is, there will be no rules that require justifying the expenses. The people who receive this aid will not have this stress and will be able to use their cash freely. The idea is to reduce this concern to the poorest, which in turn cause health problems, which in turn make it difficult for these people to find work and at the same time keep it.

The approval of this plan was given with bipartisan support and the votes 36 – 0 in the Senate and 64 – 0 in the Assembly. It will be the state department of Social Services who will decide who will benefit from the plan, likewise, Local officials will determine the amount of these monthly payments, which could range from $ 500 and $ 1, 000 dollars per month.

This type of guaranteed income plan it has been criticized by some Republicans, who argue that it “undermines incentives to work and increases dependence on the government.” Well, they consider that by not providing job training, they do not encourage upward labor mobility.

California is not the only state to implement these plans, which already have a history in previous US administrations in the years 60 and 70. Currently, guaranteed income plans have been implemented in New Orleans; Oakland, California; Washington; and Florida, among others.

Foster care programs for young adults Are those who are not in the custody of their parents, either due to emotional, social, health problems, etc., and are in the custody of a relative. This type of program has many conditions, including the age of the beneficiaries.

Meanwhile, a report on the results of these guaranteed income programs In Stockton, California, it showed that there was a decrease in the recipient’s depression levels and there was an incentive to search for work.

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