Tuesday, October 1

Arath de la Torre is sued for discriminating against Voladores de Papantla

Arath de la Torre returns to the eye of the hurricane after generating public discontent for participating in a c omercial with content allegedly discriminatory towards the Voladores de Papantla , for which a group representing the ritual ceremony sued the actor requesting financial compensation, while, through Social networks demand the cancellation of all their programs on Televisa.

Although after the scandal generated last June, the actor apologized, ensuring that their participation in the announcement had an inappropriate tone and interpretation , through a complaint filed with the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred) , the Council for the Protection and Preservation of the Ritual Ceremony of Voladores AC . went to the Attorney General of the State of Veracruz to proceed legally against the comedian and company Mo neyman for committing discrimination, where they demand a new public apology from the actor and the company that hired him, as well as financial compensation to repair the damage, with which they will seek to preserve and preserve the culture .

“We demand a public apology for the Moneyman company through a video that has the same dissemination scope as the one where we affected by discriminating, as well as reparation of the damage in moral character and by the hand an economic remuneration that will be used to follow up on our safeguard plan of valuation, conservation, transmission of knowledge, disclosure, legal and labor protection. ”

On the other hand, through the platform Change.Org, the group “Chimalli Derechos Culturales” , on behalf of the Voladores de Papantla, requested the “ Cancellation of Arath de la Torre’s programs on Televisa for discriminatory reasons “; where the request is made based on the same advertising campaign that was branded as discriminatory to the Totonac people and the practitioners of the Ritual Ceremony that has an antiquity of more than two thousand years and that was named as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), misrepresenting its cultural and symbolic values, stating that the Flying Ritual Ceremony generates “zero interest”.


The company uses the Voladores de Papantla to promote itself and criticizes them. Let us remember that the Voladores de Papantla are Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO declared the 30 September 2009. pic.twitter.com/cr5UYWxcpr

– I’m not Paquito (@fran_morenog 84) June 25, 2021

“It is considered that there is a co-responsibility between the company and the actor since both have violated the rights of indigenous peoples and their collective intellectual property recognized in the American Declaration on the Rights of Peoples Indigenous people and other international instruments, obtaining undue profit through the unauthorized use of the image of this ancestral practice for discriminatory purposes, ”reads the letter that so far records more than 449 signatures, of the 500 requested,

This scandal arises prior to the launch of the series ‘Doctor Cándido Pérez’ starring De La Torre and what e will premiere in Mexico on Televisa’s Las Estrellas next Sunday 18 July primetime.

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