Sunday, September 22

Apple employees denounce they are not allowed to telecommute and threaten to resign

Empleados de Apple denuncian que no les permiten trabajar a distancia y amenazan con renunciar

Photo: PHILIPPE LOPEZ / AFP / Getty Images

Apple employees have denounced that the company is not complying with its hybrid work model plans and that it has even refused to respect the right to telework, even a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Labor Act is reported.

For Apple employees, regulations regarding telecommuting policies are being very strict . Last June Apple announced a new hybrid work schedule for employees to begin returning to physical offices three days a week starting in September.

After this, the employees requested more flexibility, arguing that working from home brought them benefits , a perfect balance between work and personal life, flexibility of location, among other advantages.

Employee request was denied through a video of the directive that was sent to all employees, in which the main message was that part of the achievement that Apple has is thanks to the work “in person” that they do as a team.

“We believe that collaboration in person is essential to our culture and our future. If we take a moment to reflect on our incredible product launches this past year, the products and launch execution were built on the years of work we did when we were all together in person. ” Said Tim Cook, CEO of Apple.

Among other things That is one of the reasons why the co-founder of the Apple corporation, Steve Jobs, founded Apple Park at the headquarters to provoke meetings between employees.

Meanwhile, with this demand to return to Apple’s offices, as of September, employees consider that they are denying some of exceptions to the rule that were previously allowed. For example, disabled.

Previously, employees with a disability had certain privileges protected by the US Labor Law, however, now the conditions are that they will be allowed to stay at home as long as “ release your medical records to the company ”. A condition that somehow invades the individual privacy of employees.

In this regard, many have warned that what they have left is to resign and run out job. But another group is discussing whether to respond with legal action to this hybrid employment policy.

All this was discussed in a forum by the channel of Slack workspaces. Many argued that it was logical that if you wanted to stay home working, you should have a justification and also show it. They also spoke about the risk to which Apple’s “secret” projects are exposed when being discussed by a Zoom channel and not in person in an office behind closed doors.

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