Friday, September 20

Adamari López shocks by showing off her figure in a low-cut dress and she is rained by criticism

Adamari López impacta al lucir su figura en escotado vestido y le llueven las críticas
Adamari López.

Photo: Gustavo Caballero / Getty Images

Adamari López once again captivates the eyes of her admirers by recently showing off her body in a spectacular yellow dress with a deep neckline.

The presenter of “ Today ”has been seen on the morning’s Instagram account in a tight dress that enhanced her attributes, but he has not been seen favorably by some users of the networks who have criticized his attire.

On this occasion he was seen showing off her hair with soft waves, perfect makeup, a huge smile and a fitted yellow dress with a deep v-neckline that looks great on her, as it reveals her toned body that has achieved results from diet and exercise.

Some of the followers have shown they do not agree that it looks with this t type of outfits during the broadcasts of the show, so they have expressed their opinions in the comments box.

No need to show so much “,” Already fell into vulgarity “,” From the beautiful to the vulgar, how sad! “,” I don’t like that kind of dress for her “,” Such a beautiful girl has no need to show so much , the truth is that today I did not like his look, he looks not at all elegant “, some fans of the show have expressed in the mornings.

But there were some of her loyal followers who have taken on the task of going out to defend the famous Puerto Rican and have shown their unconditional support through messages.

“Bella”, “Spectacular”, “ Find a life and stop criticize if it does not seem like it, go ahead and go “,” Wow, she is divine today, very beautiful “,“ She fought a lot to have this great body , to show it ”, other users of the popular social network have commented.