Monday, September 30

Red wine: how to preserve it properly after uncorking the bottle

Vino tinto: cómo conservarlo adecuadamente luego de descorchar la botella
The key to prolonging the shelf life of wine is to reduce the amount of oxygen that touches the surface of the wine.

Photo: KoolShooters / Pexels

To prevent the red wine from spoiling within a few days of opening the bottle , as with other foods and beverages, the key is in correct storage. To maintain its quality, texture and flavor, it is not ideal to just re-cork the bottle and leave it on the counter. Wine experts have some recommendations for extend the shelf life of this drink.

1. Cover it well

Replace the cork properly it is one of the best ways to preserve wine after opening the bottle. Place it as low as possible and with the stained side down . Wine Enthusiast notes that while the “clean” side of the cork may seem easier to put in the bottle, that side may not be as clean and ruin what you plan to drink in a day or two.

two. Use smaller bottles

Oxygen affects the Red wine; air can diminish aromas and flavors. Wine Folly ensures that the key to prolonging the shelf life of wine is to reduce the amount of oxygen that touches the surface. Transfer the wine to a smaller bottle can help less air in the bottle. You can use a bottle with a screw cap; use a funnel to transfer the wine.

3. Refrigerate it

Do not leave the wine on the counter . Take your red wine to the refrigerator, the cold temperature slows down its decomposition process. Place the bottle in an upright position; Avoid storing it on its side, this increases the surface area exposed to oxygen.

The stored wine With cork inside the refrigerator it can be kept fresh for up to 3-5 days.

Avoid drastic changes in temperature. To heat a bottle of red wine, avoid using hot water. The water should be only slightly warmer than the room temperature.

5. You can lean on devices

Some devices can help to serve the wine without uncorking the bottle. The Coravin pierces the cork with a needle and covers the bottle with argon gas. After serving the wine and removing the needle, the cork will seal naturally.

Red wines that spoil faster

According to Wine Folly, old wines over 8 years old 10 years can go bad even a few hours after opening the bottle ; organic or sulfite-free wine can also break down faster. Pinot Noir is one of the most sensitive red wines when exposed to air. Some light colored red wines like Grenache, Sangiovese, Zinfandel, Nebbiolo also tend to keep for a shorter time.

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