Monday, September 30

Khloé Kardashian is singled out for abusing photoshop, she is seen with six toes on her feet!

Khloé Kardashian es señalada por abusar de photoshop ¡se le ve con seis dedos en los pies!
Khloé Kardashian.

Photo: Vivien Killilea / Getty Images

Khloé Kardashian is again pointed out by network users who criticize her repeated abuse of photoshop because in her recent publication it is a bikini that shows her body weight a detail It has not gone unnoticed.

This would be the second time in just a few days that the followers of the actress of the popular reality show that was on the air for 14 years and 20 successful seasons, there would be uploaded a photo with her niece where she was severely criticized for the appearance of her face , as some say They did not recognize him.

The younger sister of the famous Kim Kardashian has been seen on his Instagram account in several images, as part of an advertising campaign that has not yet revealed the details It is just a few sensual photos, wearing a tiny pink bikini that reveals her long and shapely legs, but enhances a detail in her anatomy.

And some of his fans don’t have been able to avoid noticing that when looking closely at the sensual photo you can see that the toes of his feet surprisingly show two little fingers, so it is presumed it may be an error of ‘ retouch ‘of the image.

Those feet don’t look good “,” Nothing looks good in that photo “,” Did I just count six fingers? “,” Your body looks distorted “,” Every day she seems like a different woman “,“ Because your legs are longer than your whole body “, have been some messages of confusion on the part of some of the us? Users of the social network.

Of course these remarks have not minimized the fact that many of her fans leave her messages of admiration for her great beauty , At the moment the post accumulates 2.3 million likes, making it one of the most viewed on your profile.