Saturday, September 28

What is the price of the dollar against the Mexican peso this Thursday

Cuál es el precio del dólar frente al peso mexicano este jueves
Price of the dollar against the Mexican peso, the latter losing ground.

Photo: Photo of Alexander Mils in Pexels / Pexels

The US currency started the day this Thursday recovering against the Mexican peso, compared to yesterday’s price, the movement is still barely noticeable. The dollar is trading at 19. 86 units of weight in Mexico.

Today at a bank window to purchase the price is 20. 63 pesos per currency and for sale the price is 19. 09 units of weight per dollar.

Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, assured that during the coming months inflation is very likely to continue increasing and acknowledged that price increases have been higher and more permanent than expected.

Powell assures that everything is a consequence of the shortage of products in turn related to the recovery of demand due to the rapid recovery of the economy American, then what e restrictions due to the pandemic have been eliminated and the vaccination plan has advanced.

On the other hand, data for the second quarter of the year of China’s GDP were released, which showed weak growth as a result of the slowdown of manufacturing activity

Follows the movement of the dollar against the Mexican peso in real time , use the comparators to find the best exchange rate: