Saturday, September 28

Tokyo registers its maximum number of infections by COVID-19 in six months to eight days of the 2020 Olympic Games

Tokio registra su máximo de contagios por COVID-19 en seis meses a ocho días de los Juegos Olímpicos 2020
COVID cases increase – 19 in Tokyo a few days before the Olympic Games 2020.

Photo: KAZUHIRO NOGI / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE

The capital of Japan reported 1, 308 New COVID Infections – 19 this Thursday , the highest number of cases registered in Tokyo since January already just eight days before the opening of the imminent Olympic Games .

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government reported more than 1, 04 cases coronavirus diaries for the second consecutive day, figures that the capital had not registered for six months and with an upward trend for almost a year. month.

The city has experienced a greater rebound in cases since last week, which led the Japanese government to declare a state of emergency in the capital to prevent the spread of the virus, and that the limitation of business hours counts as the main measure.

After declaring the state of emergency in the host capital of the next Games, the organizing committee, local authorities and the Japanese government announced the decision to hold the international event without local spectators.

Although initially the capacity at the competition venues had been limited to 10, 000 people and banned the presence of foreign visitors as a preventive measure, finally the athletes will compete without an audience in the stands.

The current state of emergency in the capital of Tokyo is the declared fourth since the beginning of the pandemic and is in force since the past 14 July and until 22 August , coinciding with the celebration of the international sporting event whose opening is scheduled for 23 of July.

In addition to being held with empty stands, the Games will take place between unprecedented restrictions for all participating athletes, which will include the limitation of their movements to the Olympic area and constant monitoring of their health, among other measures.

Continue Reading: The variant of the coronavirus that arrived in Brazil through the Copa América is more transmissible and has an unpublished mutation

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