Friday, September 27

Spiritual dreams: 3 symbols to identify them and their implications in real life

The content of dreams is intriguing. Psychiatrists explain that they are a reflection of reality, while psychoanalysts like Sigmund Freud say that they have a deeper meaning and are related to the subconscious and desire. Beyond scientific and psychological reason are spiritual dreams .

All human beings can present these dreams. Although it depends on our culture, if you are Catholic you can dream of God, the Virgin, the saints and the angels , or if you are of another religion you would dream of Shiva, Buddha, Muhammad or any other divinity, there are 3 universal symbols that help us to identify them .

In all religions The concept of the soul is present, an immaterial entity that is very personal in each human being. Dreams, in turn, are also exclusively personal. Dreams are the home of the soul and the purpose of spiritual dreams is to balance your divinity, with your body and soul. It is like an awakening of the soul , as explained by Mind Body Green in an article.

Most common symbols in spiritual dreams

According to the review, there are three symbols that often appear in spiritual dreams :

Rainbow : means that we are being guided by our higher self and we are making decisions in tune with the soul. The rainbow has 7 colors, each one is balanced with our energy centers (chakras). If you dream of one, try to remember the color that stayed with you the most because it has a deeper meaning.

Red indicates security, protection and belonging; orange, creativity and inspiration; yellow, power and security; green, love; blue, honesty with you and others; indigo, universal wisdom and violet or white that you are connected with your celestial being.

Animals : they are our spiritual guardians So when they appear in dreams it is because they have a message for us. Each person has a creature that is their guide . The one that is presented most often in your life and dreams is the one that guides you.

Numbers : it is difficult dreaming of numbers, but if you ever present these dreams it is because the universe gives you a message . It is not that they appear as in an alphabet soup, but you see them as specific patterns that, surprisingly, you manage to remember when you wake up. Generally, they indicate that we are on the right path and are aligned with the soul.

Spiritual experts recommend to write the dreams immediately after waking up to try to identify its nuances. You can incorporate a dream diary into your morning routine, so each you present a spiritual dream you can establish a connection with your daily life.

It may interest you: I dream of a deceased loved one: how to know if the apparition is a royal visit