Sunday, September 29

New GM design center: what the space will be like in Pasadena to develop “unconventional” vehicles

All 2020 and much of this year has been adverse for US auto companies, mainly because car sales collapsed by the whole country. In addition, due to the lack of chips, the assemblers have had to stop the production of various lines of their current catalogs.

Despite the delicate moment that the industry is experiencing, firms such as General Motors gave to know that it plans to make an investment of more than $ 71 million dollars to build a design center in Pasadena, California, which will focus develop ideas that have little to do with traditional vehicles .

The movement of the famous American assembler takes place in a context where the global automotive industry is reconfiguring the business from the development of electric cars. This market is an area of ​​opportunity for General Motors since it has not exploited this segment as it should.

By For this reason, the assembly company, in this new space of the Californian city, will seek to expand its operations that help its Zero objective, which includes zero emissions, zero congestion and zero accidents .

According to the information released by GM, it was not specified how many people would work in the new facility, but due to the magnitude of the project, this will allow them to recruit technical and design workers from nearby universities. It was also not reported whether employees from other GM facilities will be transferred to the new center.

In a statement, Bryan Nesbitt, GM’s Global Advanced Design Executive Director, noted that “the collaborative nature of This facility will provide our advanced design team, cross-functional groups, prospective employees, and external partners the environment they need to continually redefine the boundaries of future mobility. ”

Therefore, agree With the company’s plans, their current North Hollywood design center will move to the new building of 149, 000 square feet on eight Pasadena acres, which is expected to begin operations in the second half of 2022 .

According to the statement, the new building will provide employees with tools and workspaces designed to encourage ideas and collaboration, which will allow the development of projects in a short period of time. those that make the firm remain in force in the automotive market.

In addition, GM is not only working in this center, since it assured that it is already building a new design center on its campus from Warren, Michigan technical center near Detroit, and is expanding its advanced design center in Shanghai .

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