Saturday, September 21

Eleazar Gómez talks about what he lived in prison and how he is facing his situation: “It was quite hard”

In November of 2020 Eleazar Gómez faced charges of family violence against her sentimental partner Stephanie Valenzuela, whom she tried to strangle during a strong fight, according to the model revealed to the authorities. After the incident, the singer also spent more than five months in the North Prison of Mexico City until the legal representatives of both parties reached an agreement to release him with financial compensation .

Almost four months after leaving the prison, the famous man is ready to resume his musical career with the launch of a new production entitled “De Cero” , with which he thanks his fans for giving him another opportunity that he is willing to take advantage of by showing his best version.

And it was precisely during an interview for the program ‘Hoy’, where Eleazar Gómez spoke for the first time about what he experienced a few months ago that led him to remain in prison, assuring that the experiences lived have meant for him a journey to learn, mature, reflect and meditate, although it has not been easy.

“They have been difficult moments, it was quite hard, but at the In the end, a person always has to have faith that things will turn out well. ”

And he shared that during The time he remained out of the public eye, he took the opportunity to focus on himself, which gave him strength to face the scandal: “Always, I am a man of great faith . Every day (I prayed), he gave me a lot to write, he gave me a lot to read, exercise. In a moment of difficulty, what you cannot lose is hope , because if you lose hope of having the possibility that things will turn out well, from there everything can collapse ”, he explains.

The actor of 35 was also questioned about what thinks of the woman, to which he immediately replied with a broken voice:

“It means the most important what is in the world, the most, most, most important, we come from a woman mainly, and for my mother and my sister, and all women themselves, they have always been the most important thing in my life, and well, women are the most beautiful thing that can exist on this planet. ”

On the way he faced this situation, Gómez revealed that he is receiving therapies , both those imposed by law and independently , highlighting that the Meditation has helped him in a significant way.

And like never before, he uncovered some details of what he lived in prison and what those months were like:

Of course I felt loneliness, I felt sadness. But I think that in those moments a human being really recognizes the strength that is inside you “. The singer was sincere and with his heart in hand, replied that both anger and violence must be dealt with.

Before saying goodbye, he confessed that one of the great dreams he has is to become a father and with a deep gratitude to life, he said to value the opportunity to start from scratch .

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