Friday, September 20

Hitmen kill a doctor who did not stop at a checkpoint in an area that CJNG and the Sinaloa Cartel dispute

Sicarios matan a doctora que no se detuvo en retén en zona que CJNG y Cártel de Sinaloa disputan
Place of what happened to Dr. María Ester “N”.

Photo: Capture The Voice of the People / Courtesy

Maria Esther N “, died after the vehicle he was driving was shot, for failing to stop at a roadblock set up by armed men in broad daylight, in the interstate highway that connects the municipalities of Valparaíso and Jerez, an area where drug traffickers of Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS) maintain a battle for control.

According to the first inquiries, the radiologist at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) was driving his red Mazda truck, when at the height of the Villa Hermosa community, in which he was traveling with a companion, but the road was closed and he was subject to they marked the stop. The woman decided not to stop and continued her march, but was hit by shots.

# Zacatecas

While López Obrador embraces the Narcos

The radiologist María Esther Talamantes did not stop at an illegal checkpoint for organized crime, who shot her, wounded her and then overturned in the car that was traveling from # Jerez to # Valparaíso # MéxicoEstadoFallido 2IbkQU2ViG

– La Voz Del Pueblo (Official) (@ LPueblo2) July 10, 2021

Read more: Chapito sends a message to AMLO and treacherous // VIDEO: Narcos chase people who cross the US-Mexico border

// Emma, La Catrina and La Cholita, dead or in jail that’s how the narco women ended up // Photos of the dead Chinese Anthrax in the morgue // VIDEO: Hitmen are filmed while murdering a young girl // Porn actress reveals the extreme sexual tastes of El Chapo’s children

This also caused the vehicle to go off the road and overturn, she died, while a man accompanying her was injured.

The crime occurred in the area do nde hitmen of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel and Poster from Sinaloa (CDS) held a confrontation that left at least 18 people murdered (although according to versions the balance could reach more than 40).

Violence against doctors

This is the second case of this type in the area after a doctor after that on Thursday, July 1, the medical intern at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, Luis “N “, from 23 years (who was a month away from graduating), and orderly Octavio “N”, from 34, were killed when they were returning from a transfer from Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco, to the city of Fresnillo, Zacatecas.

Narcos kill paramedics for taking a wounded man to the hospital rival group # Drug trafficking #Mexico # CDS # CartelDeSinaloa # ElMayoZambada # Arrows Group # OperativeMZ # ElMencho # CJNG # Zacatecas # Valparaíso

Real America News (@Real America NewsLA) July 2, 2021

Workers in the Jalisco health sector were intercepted by an armed group and shot at the height of La Florida, municipality of Valparaíso, Zacatecas , as they were accused of having transferred an injured person from a rival group.

Due to this double homicide, doctors and nurses called for a peaceful demonstration against violence to members of that union, in the capital of Zacatecas, a demonstration to which will now be added the reproach for the death of Dr. María Ester “N” of the IMSS.

Death of Innocents

Another innocent victim of the battle of these cartels was Juan Antonio Orozco Alvarado a Catholic missionary was shot dead in June 2020 when he was on his way to officiate a mass for a party of 15 years, after being caught in the crossfire of criminals in the municipality of Mezquital , in the state of Durango in Mexico and which borders Zacatecas and Nayarit entities that are both bands they fight.

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· VIDEO: Hitmen are filmed while murdering a young girl

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