Thursday, July 4

Vicente Fernández changes version of his disappearance, now he says it was a kidnapping

After spending several weeks away from the public eye, Vicente Fernández Jr. reappeared in social networks last 20 June to celebrate the Day of the father. Shortly after, he decided to publish a video in which he assured that he was in perfect health and that the rumors that he had been in a rehabilitation center for problems of addiction to gaming randomly, they were completely false .

Despite the series of interviews offered to different media confirming that he was in a rehabilitation center , but due to the psychological problems that he still presents due to the kidnapping he suffered ago 23 years; again caused a stir by ensuring that he was confined in the clinic 13 San Luis Potosí against his will, so he will proceed criminally against those who are responsible for an alleged kidnapping .

It was during an interview with the magazine TV y Novelas, where the son of Vicente Fernández said that he was deprived of his freedom, since he agreed to enter said place with the condition of entering and leaving when he so decided, however, they applied a regulation where it had to be completely isolated for 90 days.

Although the singer did not clarify exactly what was the reason why he entered, he reiterates that his rights were violated, since they had him against his will during 66 days in which there was no communication with his family:

“You sleep in a room with more companions and they close the door with padlocks on the outside with special plates, it was very similar to being in the jail. They totally blocked me. ”

What he again made clear was that, in no way He has suffered from addiction problems to alcohol, drugs, he is not a gambler, much less has he stolen money from his family , as speculated in the magazine TV Notes.

He confesses that it was thanks to another patient who left the place and contacted his girlfriend Mariana González Padilla , later, she notified her children and they told Vicente Fernández and Mrs. Cuquita, who finally rescued him from the place.

He ensures that he is in talks with his lawyer to initiate legal actions against whoever is responsible for his confinement:

“Any deprivation of liberty is kidnapping.”

He also said that, despite the fact that he arrived on his own foot and in perfect health conditions, he had to comply with the commitments acquired by patients who are admitted, so he had to carry out the same activities as his colleagues.