Tuesday, July 2

The powerful cardinal and the other 9 people who will face an unusual trial in the Vatican for embezzlement

A Vatican magistrate ordered the trial of people, including a powerful Italian cardinal, for financial crimes.

Cardinal Angelo Becciu is the cleric of more High-ranking Vatican prosecutor on charges including embezzlement, money laundering, fraud, extortion and abuse of power.

The influential Cardinal of 73 years, who denies the allegations, was forced to resign last September, but maintains his title.

The accusations are related to the multi-million dollar purchase of a property in London with Church funds.

Becciu was a close advisor to Pope Francis who had previously held a key position in the Vatican Secretariat of State, which manages Church donations.

The cardinal will have to answer questions about a controversial investment in a building London luxury io that incurred losses during his time in charge of the Secretariat: since then, the transaction has been under a financial investigation.

The payment of $ 200 million dollars for a An apartment building on London’s posh Sloane Avenue was made with Church money through offshore funds and companies, a transaction the cardinal had defended in the past.

In a statement issued on Saturday by close associates, the cardinal stated that he was “the victim of a conspiracy” and declared his “absolute innocence”, the AFP agency reported.

Greater scrutiny of the Holy See?

Analysis of John McManus, expert on religious issues of the BBC

Get to the bottom of the problematic relationship between The Vatican and its finances have become a central theme of the Vatican under Pope Francis.

In parallel with his desire to turn the Church into a sanctuary where everyone, no matter how imperfect, can find one place, there is his work to make the Vatican an especially hostile destination for those seeking to use it to enrich themselves.

The alleged crimes listed now have yet to be proven in court.

But the simple fact that the Pope was willing to the process and trial of a cardinal who was not only a high member of the hierarchy in the Vatican, but also a friend of Francis, is a sign of his clear intention that when it comes to financial crimes, he is prepared to take action s in precedents to cleanse the reputation of the Church.

The risk for the Pope, and for the church, is that this trial will open the possible mismanagement of the finances of the Holy See to greater scrutiny public.

Edificio en la avenida Sloane, Londres
The building in which Cardinal Becciu invested the Vatican money is located on the elegant Sloane Avenue, London.

Two former directors of the Vatican’s financial intelligence unit are among the ten defendants.

They face charges of embezzlement, Money laundering, fraud, extortion and abuse of power.

An Italian woman who worked for Cardinal Becciu was charged with embezzlement last year.

The first hearing is scheduled for 27 July, according to a statement from the Vatican.

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