Saturday, July 6

Many Californians who qualify for the Golden State Incentive have not received it and must claim it

There are many people in the community who do not know that by filing their taxes, they may qualify this year to receive cash through the Golden State Incentive and other tax credits that are a tremendous relief during recovering from the economic ravages caused by Covid – 19.

During the video conference: “Get Information on Tax Credits and Stimulus Payments to Help Your Family,” hosted by Ethnic Media Services (EMS) and the Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs, tax experts said through Freetaxprepla .com, people who earn less than $ 39, 000 by year and those who have personal identification numbers (ITIN ) qualify for free help filing your tax return.

Audrey Casillas of the Koreatown Youth & Community Center, said the goal of the Golden State Stimulus is to support low-income California taxpayers facing hardship due to the pandemic.

“Follow the model of the stimulus program federal and bonuses range from $ 600 to $ 1 , 200. The $ 1, 200 are for the headlines of Personal Identification Numbers (ITIN). ”

These supports, he explained, mean that many more Californians will have more cash in their pockets to really get through this horrible pandemic shutdown period.

Casillas said nearly 4 million low-income Californians will benefit up to $ 1 , 200 of cash.

La disminución del gasto de los consumidores podría impulsar la discusión de un cuarto cheque de estímulo-pexels-uriel-mont-6280415.jpeg
Do not stop claiming your Golden State Incentive, it can help you a lot in your purchases. (Pexels)

The deadline to file the tax return and claim the Golden State Incentive is 15 October 2021 ”.

He emphasized that the best thing about the Golden State Incentive is that it is available to undocumented taxpayers with a personal identification number (ITIN) and those who earn up to $ 75, 01 will be eligible for the $ 1, 200. “There are no migration requirements.”

Casillas said that filing tax returns has multiple benefits. “It is the first thing that they will ask you when you change your immigration status, but also if we want to apply for a business loan or for a house, if our children apply for financial aid for college or if we apply for food assistance.”

Other benefits for taxpayers who file taxes, regardless of their status, is the child tax credit. “ Each year is $ 2, 000, but this year it increased to $ 3, 600. The most exciting thing is that parents will start receiving this money on 15 of July“.

There are also deductions for businesses. “This is very good if we consider that there is a large part of our undocumented community that is self-employed.”

The money The Golden State Stimulus is not considered a public charge. (Reform)

Fear of public charge

Will the Golden State Incentive affect immigration status in any way?

Dawnnesha Smith, head of the Los Angeles County Financial Empowerment Center, specified that it is not considered a public charge, but also asked to take Note that the Tax Collection Service (IRS) does not share information with other departments about immigration status or ever ask for proof of citizenship.

Regarding free tax preparation services, he pointed out that the IRS administers the Voluntary Income Tax Assistance Program, known as Vita (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) which is a great resource for low to moderate income taxpayers , because they can file their federal and state tax returns.

Specified that preparers are IRS certified, which means they have undergone extensive training, passed certification exams and annual recertification requirements.

“Research has shown that VITA Preparers have an accuracy rate of approximately 93%, which is phenomenal. ”

The free tax preparation campaign is a public-private partnership between the Department of Housing and Community Investment of the city of Los Angeles with the Koreatown Youth & Community Center, the Los Angeles County Department of Business and Consumer Affairs and United Way’s of Greater Los Angeles.

“We all work collaboratively to help connect our low to moderate income Los Angeles County residents with information on refundable tax credits. and free resources for income tax preparation ”.

Quién puede recibir un pago adicional de un cheque de estímulo plus-up-pexels-nataliya-vaitkevich-6863323.jpeg
You may qualify for free tax preparation. (Pexels)

How to make sure we are dealing with a free tax preparation service? Are there any red flags?

“To see a list of our partners, visit and use the VITA locator to make sure who work with an organization that is part of this program. ”

A red flag could be that they want to charge them for attendance, since The service is free of charge.

Rigo Reyes, director from the county Office of Immigrant Affairs, advised to ignore when someone calls them on the phone and says that I can do their taxes for free. “Definitely verify that the websites are legitimate sources.”

Smith added that the nonprofits that are part of this association provide a series of support services such as banking, food and income assistance.

Who received unemployment qualify for the Golden State Incentive?

Casillas observed that to qualify they had to receive some income, months before they began to receive unemployment. “If all you have is unemployment, you don’t qualify.”

Can the status of the Golden State Stimulus payments be tracked? ?

“They have to call the California Franchise Tax Board, they will ask you questions about your identity and they will tell you if they have already sent it to you or when they will. ”

It is best to open a bank account to receive tax refunds and stimulus checks. (Pixabay)

Smith encouraged those who have not received their refunds federal taxes, to make sure they have a bank account so they can get their payments as soon as possible.

“We know that those who don’t have a bank account, they must wait weeks to receive their paper checks or a debit card in the mail. ”

He noted that direct deposits are the easiest way to receive stimulus payments and reimbursement.

“The Department of Business and Consumer Affairs has a critical banking access initiative in Los Angeles County that you can learn about by visiting our website for more information. ”

Visit for more information on the Golden State Stimulus Package. Don’t be late to file your taxes. The 15 October is the deadline to claim the Golden State Stimulus. You can prepare your taxes for free at www.freetaxprepla. com.