Friday, September 20

The horoscope predicts that Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will be lucky in July

The water signs are the ones that will be especially favored by the optimistic energies of July. Here we tell you how Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces should take advantage of that positive impulse

El horóscopo augura que Cáncer, Escorpio y Piscis tendrán suerte en julio
Water signs will be very optimistic in July.

Photo: Artem Beliaikin / Pexels

Miguel Angel Castillo

July will be one of the best months of the year for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces , the stars will favor them and they will have the best of luck in the horoscope, astrologers predict.

There are various cosmic events that will inject optimism into these zodiacal signs. The first one is that the Sun continues its journey through Cancer , during which time, we feel more emotional, intuitive and protective. The cycle of the fourth sign will culminate on 20 of August.

The new moon will take place on July 9 and will be especially flattering for water signs . In astrology, this moon phase represents the new beginnings and its energy will motivate Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces to carry out projects fruitful and propel them into powerful opportunities, astrologers said in an Elite Daily article.

The 12 of July, Mercury, the planet that governs communication and intelligence, will form a trine with Jupiter, the lucky star . A trine in astrology is when two planets are located at 800 degrees, that is, a distance of 4 zodiacal signs between them, but they are in signs of the same element. This phenomenon will be repeated on 15 July, but now with Neptune and the Sun.

The astrological events described will influence all signs However, those who will be most favored are the water signs and we tell you why:


The Sun passes through your sign and makes it shine. It is possible that those ruled by Cancer feel a revitalizing energy that will remind them that they own their trust . The universe will reflect the empathy, affection and intuition of your astrological cycle, this means that you will be able to walk towards your goals without any obstacle, it was commented on Elite Daily.


The cosmic energies of July bring Scorpio spontaneity and enthusiasm to his life. If you are bored, you will likely find activities that push you out of your comfort zone. The Sun is influencing your 9th house (which means travel) so you are likely to be motivated to go on adventures and visit exotic places.


The stars predict wonderful things for Pisces during the month of July. The energies of the sun will activate your need for fun and pleasure , so all you have to do is have a good time. The stellar vibes invite you to do something artistic and exciting. It is the ideal month to fall in love since Jupiter will move towards your sign so you must take advantage of the positive energy that will impact directly on it.

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