Wednesday, September 18

Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico endorses the recreational use of marijuana throughout the country

Mexicans may request the Commission Federal for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), organism of the Secretariat of Health of Mexico, the power to carry and consume marijuana.

Suprema Corte de Justicia de México avala el uso lúdico de la marihuana en todo el país
The Mexican Supreme Court decriminalizes the recreational use of marijuana.

Photo: Carlos Ramírez / EFE

César Reyes

The Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico eliminated the prohibition of recreational and recreational consumption of the marijuana throughout the Mexican territory.

“Today is a historic day for freedoms, After a long journey, this Supreme Court consolidates the right to free personality rights for the recreational and recreational use of marijuana ”, said the Minister President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation Arturo Zaldívar.

This decision is made after eight of the eleven magistrates of the Mexican Supreme Court will vote in favor to reach the qualified majority five articles of the General Health Law that prevent recreational consumption of this plant.

“Confirmed once more than the The instruments that the Constitution has for the defense of rights work and that a Constitutional Court is essential for the development of these rights, for their defense and for social changes that can hardly take place only in Legislative headquarters … Today, this Court Constitutional Court reiterates and reaffirms once that its only commitment is to the Constitution and that it acts with full independence and autonomy ”, he stated Arturo Zaldivar .

This Supreme Court vote comes after the Congress of the Union failed to pass a law to regulate recreational cannabis during the corresponding legislative periods.

Last 30 April expired for the third time the term that the Court had set for Congress to regulate the recreational use of marijuana in the country , but the legislators did not reach any agreement to lift the ban.

In this way the Mexican Congress and the health authorities will again have to legislate to regulate recreational use and products derived from marijuana.

While Mexicans may request to the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), an organism of the Ministry of Health, the power to carry and consume cannabis.

Cofepris will also be in charge of establishing marijuana consumption standards similar to those of other substances such as alcohol or tobacco.

The approved measure, which seeks to privilege the right to decide of the people, as well How to eliminate marijuana as an illicit drug from the General Health Law of Mexico, was a project presented and prepared by the mini stra Norma Lucía Piña Hernández.

Judge Piña Hernández clarified that “ is not authorized in any case to import, trade or supply ”marijuana, so will not create a recreational cannabis market in Mexico for now .

“The legal obstacle for the Secretariat of Health authorize activities related to the self-consumption of cannabis and THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) for recreational purposes, respecting the free development of the personality ”, stated Minister Norma Lucía Piña Hernández.

In addition, he stressed that consumption will not affect to third parties or carried out in public spaces or in front of minors.

These provisions will be in force from the publication File the declaration of unconstitutionality in the Official Gazette of the Federation and while Congress does not legislate in this regard.

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