Friday, September 20

How will free preschool help children and their families in California?

Latino families are less likely to enroll their children in preschool than other groups, but for those that do, the benefits are enormous

¿Cómo el preescolar gratuito ayudará a los niños y a sus familias en California?
Offering free transitional kindergarten to all 4 year olds will ensure that children of color in California have the same opportunities as everyone else. (Courtesy)

Photo: Courtesy / Courtesy

By Patricia Lozano

Imagine a girl who reaches her first day of kindergarten, wearing new clothes, nervous, ready to make friends and learn things new. Now imagine that she grew up in a home where her family primarily speaks a language other than English. Although this little girl is extremely intelligent, this new learning environment can be overwhelming and scary. Her teacher gives her a pencil, but she is not sure how to hold it. Unlike the other children in her class, she did not have the advantage of having a quality early education such as transitional kindergarten or preschool and she has to do more to keep up with her peers who had the opportunity to attend. a preschool program.

As a former preschool teacher, this scene played out over and over again in front of my eyes and for this reason it is very important that all of our students have opportunities to learn at an earlier age. This can be done through a free state-funded preschool program for all children under the age of four that will change the lives of all children, but especially those of Latinos. According to NIEER data , Latino families are less likely to enroll their children in preschool than other groups, but for those that do, the benefits are enormous. Additionally, free and universal preschool would not only help children, but also families who spend more than half of their monthly income on preschool programs for their children.

According to the California Public Policy Institute, 7 out of 10 Californians support state-funded preschool. In fact, most ethnic groups in California support the idea of ​​having a free preschool program, specifically: 84% of African Americans, 81% of Latinos and 63% of Asian Americans support this idea.

Parents know that investing in students when they are young sets them up for success for the rest of their lives. with higher high school and college graduation rates and higher paying jobs as a result. Currently, according to the data from the California Department of Education , the high school graduation rates of students from low-income families are much lower than those of their more affluent peers. We know that in large part, this learning gap begins early in a student’s educational experience. What if all students had the advantage of beginning their education at the age of four. How would graduation rates compare?

Perhaps this is why both Governor Gavin Newson and President Joe Biden are prioritizing plans to expand educational opportunities to all young students; and this is why we should do everything we can to help make these plans a reality.

It is projected that the president’s plan to fund free preschool for families would benefit five million children and save the average family $ 13, 000 by year. The Governor’s plan goes hand in hand with this federal legislation to maximize the amount of federal funds that go to California to help our children.

Here in California, the Governor proposes to provide a universal preschool by expanding transitional kindergarten for all children. In doing so, the California system will be strengthened to better meet the needs of working families and ensure that all children in California receive a strong start to a successful future. At times like these, we cannot let our most vulnerable children get lost right at the beginning of their education. We have a historic opportunity to serve more children of all backgrounds and give everyone who starts school an equal opportunity to be successful. As we work to restore learning lost during the global COVID pandemic – 19, there is no better time to invest in our students.

Covid greatly affected our Latino children and send them back to school without the basic skills they need to be successful. Offering free transitional kindergarten for all 4-year-olds will ensure that children of color in California have the same opportunities as everyone else. It is urgent that all Latino families start investigating the importance of transitional kindergarten right now. Preschool for all is the best thing you can do for your child.

Patricia Lozano is the Executive Director of Early Edge California , a nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to improving access to early learning experiences of high quality for all California children, so they can have a solid foundation for their future success.