Friday, September 20

How healthy are plant-based meat alternatives

Qué tan saludables son las alternativas a la carne producidas a base de plantas
Some highly processed meat alternative options have high amounts of sodium, fat, sugars, and additives.

Photo: Engin Akyurt / Pixabay

In the US market there is a growing supply of processed plant-based meat alternatives. People choose so-called alternative meats for ethical reasons, as a way to protect the environment or for health. But how healthy are meat alternatives really?

Eating more plants and fewer animals has been suggested by nutrition experts and other specialists as a healthy option , than reduces the risk of disease, which promotes longevity. Under this premise you would think that imitation meats are much better than meat, but not as fast .

That a product is free of food product is plant-based does not necessarily mean that it is a healthy food. Researchers from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health studied the nutritional quality of 37 alternative plant-based ground meat products compared to ground meat produced by nine food companies .

What did the researchers find when analyzing alternative products to meat?

Alternative plant-based ground beef products available at the US market tend to be a good source of fiber, folic acid and iron.

Most meat alternatives contain less saturated fat than ground beef.

Most meat alternatives have less protein, zinc and vitamin B 12 than minced meat.

Many herbal products contain moderate to high amounts of sodium.

Are plant-based plant alternatives healthier?

Herbal alternative meat “ may be an option healthy somehow , ”says study leader Lisa Harnack, a professor at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. It also warns that you should always check the nutrition information panel.

Not all meat alternatives are healthy

Among the new generation of plant-based meat alternatives, there are highly processed products with a taste and texture very similar to real meat. Some options may have as much protein as real meat, but also much more sodium, saturated fat, and additives.

“Some of these products have preservatives, sugars, inflammatory oils, or other ingredients that we don’t want,” dietitian Camille Skoda tells Cleveland Clinic.

What to look for in an alternative to meat?

Select an option that provides from 10 to 15 grams of protein , so that when combined with other foods add 20 g in a meal, recommends Skoda.

A soy burger usually provides 14 g of protein and 100 g of ground beef have 19 grams of protein.

If you want a natural choice looks for labels that contain mostly recognizable ingredients. Those that have little recognizable additives are usually highly processed products.

Choose low sodium options . The World Health Organization recommends consuming less than 2 grams of sodium a day, which is equivalent to 5 grams of salt. High sodium intake is associated with hypertension, an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Choose low saturated fat. The Dietary Guidelines recommend less than 10% of your daily calorie intake from saturated fat. Which would be equivalent to 200 calories from saturated fat per day on a diet of 1200 calories.

Preparing your homemade plant-based burgers is a nutritious and healthy option. Beans, soybeans and other legumes are a source of protein , fiber , folate, iron and also potassium. They are low in fat, free of cholesterol and with a low glycemic index content.

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