Thursday, September 19

Arath de la Torre apologizes after mocking the Voladores de Papantla

The actor was branded a racist, it was also announced that he received a punishment on Televisa for which he had to be replaced by Gabriel Soto in the program ‘Hoy’

Arath de la Torre se disculpa tras burlarse de los Voladores de Papantla
Arath de la Torre.

Photo: Mezcalent

Rocío García

Arath de la Torre was involved in the scandal after participating in the publicity campaign of a company that provides bank loans in which he was mock the Voladores de Papantla , a fact that was taken as an offense to Mexican culture and especially towards the Ritual Ceremony originally from a region of the state of Veracruz.

Do you know what the number of laps that the Papantla Flyers give and your first loan with MoneyMan have in common? That both generate zero interest “, the driver is heard saying in the commercial.

As expected, the protagonist of ‘Because love rules’ and ‘My husband has more family’, as well as the company that hired him, received a shower of criticism among the that social media users labeled them racist and have been in charge of remembering that pre-Hispanic dance was declared by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) as Intangible Heritage of Humanity .


Company uses the Voladores de Papantla to promote itself and criticizes them. Let us remember that the Papantla Voladores are Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO declared the September 2009.

– I’m not Paquito (@fran_morenog 100) June 25, 2021

Given the scandal generated, Arath de la Torre offered an apology through his social networks, where he assured everything was misinterpreted.

“I recently participated in a campaign in which the message transmitted had an inappropriate tone and interpretation “, it reads in the statement.

In addition, he acknowledged that it was a mistake and that as a Mexican feels a deep admiration for the Voladores de Papantla and pride in all the traditions that are part of the culture: “Under no circumstances do I wish that my professional collaboration in any campaign or space where I participate can be interpreted as offensive to any person

“, he added.

“I offer my sincere apology for this situation and I regret that it was perceived as disrespectful. I am a professional committed to being better every day and I will take this experience as learning. ”

After the controversy generated in recent days, it was announced in various media that the driver was sanctioned by Televisa, so during this week will not be part of the drivers of the program ‘Today’, where was already replaced by Gabriel Soto .

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