Sunday, September 29

Jennifer Aniston has no intention of looking for her “better half” online

The actress does not trust dating applications and other services found on the web; she does not want her love relationships to be endorsed with legal documents, which she already sees unnecessary

Jennifer Aniston no tiene intención de buscar a su “media naranja” por internet
Jennifer Aniston

Photo: Getty Images


The actress Jennifer Aniston does not give up in her efforts to one day find the man of her life, but as she herself admitted in her last interview with the magazine People , for the moment will stick to traditional ways in that meeting potential suitors is concerned.

Despite the convenience that new technologies now offer in this regard, the actress of 52 years do not generate much confidence in dating applications and other similar services that are currently on the web. “No I would not. I’m going to limit myself to the normal ways of flirting. Like someone asking me out. That’s the way I’ve always preferred ”, has revealed so bluntly in his last conversation with the magazine, in which he has also made it clear that he remarried, in his case for the third time after his failed marriages with Brad Pitt Y Justin Theroux , is not exactly among his current priorities.

“No, it is not something that is in my orbit right now, but I would like to find a fantastic life partner” , Jennifer added in their candid conversation. The comedy star, who recently starred in one of the most anticipated special reunions of the year alongside his fellow series mates “Friends” wants to lead a peaceful and relaxed life, full of satisfactions and without need that their love relationships have to be endorsed with “legal documents”: “I just want to enjoy the life and have fun with those who share it. That’s all we should aspire to, there doesn’t have to be legal documents involved for something to be significant ”, concluded.

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