Sunday, October 6

Biden government extends moratorium on evictions to July 31

Due to the economic crisis due to the COVID pandemic – 19, millions of people face problems paying rent or their mortgages; the federal government extends the benefits applied by local and state governments

Gobierno de Biden extiende al 31 de julio la moratoria de desalojos
Millions of families face problems paying rent.

Photo: Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images

Jesús García

The President’s Administration Joe Biden extended the moratorium on housing evictions to 22 July, that is, no family should be evicted from their home for non-payment of rent or mortgage payment.

“The Administration is also taking steps to stabilize homeowners and support a return to a more stable housing market, including by extending the foreclosure moratorium on federally backed mortgages for a final month, by 31 of July ”, Says a White House document.

Administration officials said in a call with reporters that the decision was made due to the economic consequences of the pandemic of COVID – 19 .

However, some states have already extended this moratorium, like California, which applies to September .

President Biden’s advisers noted that the decision of the Dr. Rochelle Walensky , director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is final, that is, there will be no additional extension.

They added that the guides of The Biden Administration seeks to offer options to tenants and those who cannot pay the mortgage through accelerate and expand state and local emergency rental assistance provision .

State and local governments should follow the Treasury Department’s May 7 guidance with funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP).

“The Treasury Department highlights promising practices from communities that they implement effective rental assistance programs, ”he says. “It also publishes new guidance to support the rapid deployment of emergency rental assistance in states and localities to protect vulnerable families from the threat of eviction.”

ARP allocated $ 21, 500 million for emergency rental assistance (ERA) that tenants can use to cover arrears and compensate landlords.

“There is money available in all states to help tenants who are behind with their rent and who are at risk of being evicted,” indicates the Government.

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