Wednesday, July 3

AMLO promises to reopen Line 12 of the Mexico City Metro in one year

From the National Palace, the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised to reopen the Line in one year of the Metro, which collapsed on May 3 and where they died people.

AMLO promete reabrir en un año la Línea 12 del Metro de la Ciudad de México
AMLO promises to reopen the Line 12 of the Metro in one year.

Photo: CLAUDIO CRUZ / AFP / Getty Images

César Reyes

It will be in one year when the Line 12 of the City Metro Mexico begins to operate again, was the commitment made by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , during his morning conference.

I can tell the people of Tláhuac, Iztapalapa and Chalco , those who use this system, that at the latest in a year the Line is working again 12 with all the security and it is my word, everything complete “, he mentioned.

” I am the guarantee that in one year we will be reopening the complete work, it is my commitment “Said the Mexican president from the National Palace.

The president of Mexico specified that the Line 12, collapsed on the night of Monday, May 3 and left a balance of 26 dead people, will be operating “in its entirety and in complete safety”.

” , and it’s my word “, he stated.

The Tabasco president assured that a complete review is being carried out on the reasons for the accident and clarified that this review was an initiative of the mayor of the capital, Claudia Sheinbaum, to whom he expressed his “support and support.”

“ That the investigations be continued, those responsible be punished, are cared for relatives of the victims and repair the damage, “said Mexican President.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador again said that the companies that were involved in the construction of the Line ea 12 of the Metro, such as Grupo Carso, ICA and Alstom, are willing to collaborate for the rehabilitation of the Metro Collective Transport System.

“We are going to convince and persuade. It is going to be beneficial for the people, we convince we do not impose and they know one thing we have moral authority, they can say and so what, well, that allows us to have political authority and we have very good relations with the companies, a good relationship with the engineer Slim (the tycoon Carlos Slim) and an agreement is going to be sought because, putting aside politicking, sensationalism, yellowing, those who do not want anything to be resolved what they bet on the conflict will continue to be left with the desire “, he added.

If necessary, said, the federal government will support with economic resources and Tláhuac can use this elevated transport again.

Continue Reading: The shocking images of the partial collapse of the Champlain Towers building in Miami Beach

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