Friday, September 20

Why the Supreme Court threw out the anti-immigrant program 'Remain in Mexico'

The strategy called Migrant Protection Protocols or MPP was created by the Trump Administration to expeditiously expel immigrants seeking asylum, but was terminated by President Biden

Por qué la Corte Suprema desechó el programa contra inmigrantes ‘Permanecer en México’
Some 60, 000 immigrants were expelled to Mexico.

Photo: SERGIO FLORES / AFP / Getty Images


The Supreme Court dismissed a claim on the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), a program that was better known as “Stay in Mexico” , since it allowed to send immigrants from any Central American nation to that country, which unleashed a legal battle of civil organizations.

It is estimated that some 60, 000 foreign were impacted by this policy that President Joe Biden officially canceled on June 1 , as promised in the campaign.

Before the program was concluded, the Department of Homeland Security ( DHS ) launched a plan so that thousands of people could return to the US to await a judge’s decision on their asylum petition.

Although the claim had backed by several Republican states, led by Texas, failed to advance in the Supreme Court, because the program created by the former president Donald Trump no longer exists.

Rights groups Humans, religious organizations and those who advocate for migrants filed lawsuits arguing that the Government was violating the laws.

In April the Federal Court of Appeals for the Ninth District ordered a suspension of the MPP program .

On 2019 the arrival of migrants to the fr South America reached record numbers, and since May of this population flow, which responds to seasonal factors, has been increasing month by month.

At the beginning of June, the Biden Administration terminated the program through a memo from the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas , where he said that the MPP did not help control the migratory flow at the border.

With the Supreme Court’s decision, the matter returns to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where it must dismiss the legal battle.

With information from Efe

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