Saturday, September 21

Cinnamon attracts luck, love and eliminates negativity: know 5 rituals that extract its power

Cinnamon is one of the elements to which more esoteric properties are attributed. For this reason, is common in rituals to attract luck, love, money and to eliminate negative energies . Procedures such as burning a cinnamon stick, as if it were an incense, or spreading it in powder in the home during the first days of the month, are powerful to purify the spaces of the house and business.

Being one of the most used spices in the kitchen, it is easy to get. If you want to use its magical powers, we will review some very simple rituals to do to extract all its energy benefits .

Ritual of purification with cinnamon

This spell is ideal when you feel that in your house there are accumulated negative energies . If you notice that there are meaningless arguments between family members, the environment feels tense, you are on a bad streak or there is no communication with your partner, it is likely that there is negativity in the environment.

The ritual consists of burning three cinnamon sticks in a clay container. While you spread the smoke around the house repeat the following sentence:

“With this powerful element I protect myself from all evil or negative energies. I let prosperity and well-being enter my home. May good luck flood my loved ones, my home and me. May we be filled with prosperity, happiness and protection. ”

According to the site it is important to pass the cinnamon smoke mainly through doors and windows . Remember to keep your home ventilated when you perform the ritual.

How to attract love with cinnamon

It is believed that cinnamon also has aphrodisiac properties, therefore, it can stimulate your partner or if you lack one, it makes you irresistible .

You will need three cinnamon sticks, a red candle, a red ribbon, a piece of paper and a pencil.

Turn on the red candle with a match and visualize with love your partner or the person you like. Write your wish on the paper, as detailed as you can. Tie the three cinnamon rolls wrapped in the piece of paper with the red ribbon. Now repeat this sentence: “With what this act represents for me, I want to attract healthy and sincere love into my life.”

According to the Bioguía portal, you must place the bundle under your bed and wait for the candle to burn out completely .

Ritual to attract good luck

This ritual is similar to that of purification, only the intention will be different: to attract luck . Burn 4 cinnamon sticks in an earthenware container, when smoke starts to come out, go all over your house while you say “With that ritual I reject all the energies that prevent me from having good luck in my house, work and love”.

When you go all over your house, turn off the branches and cut them into small pieces, then place them on doors and windows.

Ritual with cinnamon for work

If you are looking for work or want a promotion, salary increase or improve your working conditions , this is the ritual you need.

You will take a cinnamon stick, 3 basil leaves, 1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of honey, a small glass with cooking oil and a white candle .

Put all the elements in a metal container, then light the candle and place it nearby. While it is being consumed, visualize the job you want as detailed as possible, with the exact amount of money you want to earn, the place where you want to work, what your space would be like and even try to imagine what your boss would be like.

Lucky charm

Tie 9 twigs with a red string and hang it on the front door of your house . Thus, in addition to keeping your home fragrant, it will be protected from bad energies.

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