Saturday, September 21

Toni Costa breaks the silence: He talks about his sexuality and gives details of the prompt reconciliation with Adamari?

Toni Costa break the silence … Surprised by Javier Ceriani in Los Angeles, where he was giving a Zumba master class, he confronted him and answered everything: his sexuality and gives details of the prompt reconciliation with Adamari López ?

“Does it bother you that they say you’re gay?” , Ceriani shot almost point-blank at Toni Costa, who did not hesitate to return it answered … “You you will know, because it is you who says it ”

With a lot of tension, but with respect, the presenter of ‘ Gossip No Like ‘on YouTube and “Chisme en Vivo’ on Estrella TV , addressed all the issues: the alleged relationships of the dancer with men, the alleged infidelity , if Adamari kept it, and even if he really has hopes of reconciliation.

Next part of the interview that every journalist wanted to do and Ceriani, who else hard him gave, got it:

– Are there chances of reconciliation?

“Of course, always.”

– Was there infidelity?


– Does it bother you that they say that you are gay, with other dancers …?

“In what you base?”.

– There are people who said it, People said it a year ago…

“You will know, because you are the one who says it … Each one with respect for people whatever, n we do not have to say absolutely anything because it is all a lie , we always talk to show our lives as we have done, but we cannot tolerate the lies that are made, because they are not fair.

– What is the most Did it hurt you from all the lies?

What can affect my daughter Alaïa , it is very important, and the people Dultas like you, they should know that we have a little girl that can affect them in the future and they have to think about that. ”

– You show yourself a lot on your social networks, you show your privacy, we have the right to get involved.

“With respect always, what has to prevail here is respect for people, and it has to be there because we are still people. There has been a separation, which is not the first or the last that any couple has had , and we work on it, but from there to everything they are doing is not fair .

– Why does Adamari say that it is not healthy to continue with you?

“We will have to ask her, right? I can’t answer you for her “.

– Does it hurt to be told maintained?

“No, not at all, time and demonstrations put people in your site, and I have always worked since 13 years, but hey, it’s normal for people to cross , nothing happens, what matters is what my family thinks and the people who love me. ”

– What did Adamari lack in you?

she has to answer her, I can’t answer you about her “.

– Toni, are you straight?

“Is it okay to ask that? You are laughing at what you are asking. Everything that is said is a lie, you don’t have a single proof to prove something like this because it is a lie “.

– Why did you remove it from your Instagram profile (to Adamari)?

“I can change the photo as many times as I want, and that does not have to promote anything else, u these are dedicated to that, to look for the return to the revolt and there is nothing else here. ”

– You were a good householder, you took care of many things.

“I was a couple, I was a dad, I was a partner, and if something had to be fixed, I fix it, why spend that money if I can do it “.

– Why never married in 10 years?

‘God’s timing is perfect, when God says we’ll get married if it has to be like that “.

– You still have hope …

And there will be, you’ll see , I’m safer because I’m living it. ”

– Are you angry with us?

“I’m not angry, but you have to be a little more careful with what you say… ”.

– Is there reconciliation?

“Time will tell.”

– Do you want ?

I’ve always wanted…

– And why not her?

She too But it is a process that we are going through like any couple and we must respect, time will tell, and if it has to be to be together we will be and if not it is the best for each one separately , who knows … What we can’t do is force, damage, that’s not right.

– And if you don’t choose what happens?

“That’s life.”

Let us remember that a few weeks ago, Adamari López exclusively, confirmed that he was eparada of the father of his daughter . Then Toni also spoke but from social networks and his message was a little more hopeful . Now, as the dancer says, only time will tell.