Friday, September 20

They find 110 victims in graves located in the territory of Mencho and the CJNG

Hallan 110 víctimas en fosas ubicadas en territorio del Mencho y el CJNG
Find 110 victims in graves located in the territory of Mencho and the CJNG

Photo: Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office / Courtesy

Sum 110 localized victims of which 56 have been identified in two clandestine graves in the area where the group of drug trafficking headed by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes alias El Mencho and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel ( CJNG ) have their main center of operations in Mexico.

One of the narco pits is located in Alamedas de Zalatitán in the municipality of Tonalá and the other in the neighborhood El Saucillo , in the municipality of Juanacatlán , both in the state of Jalisco reported, Blanca Jacqueline Trujillo Cuevas, the head of the Special Prosecutor for Missing Persons.

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“In Alamedas de Zalatitán are the completed works, that is, it is a process already completed, of this processing was obtained 22 saw ctimas of which six of them have already been fully identified and their relatives are already in the process of recovering their bodies, “said the Mexican official.

Regarding the clandestine burial point in Juanacatlán , Trujillo Caves said that they are already “in the final stretch of processing”, practically nearing completion.

have obtained to date a total of 88 victims of which we have identified 34 and the relatives have already been notified and we will be working on the issue of human identification ”, he said

The official added that they will continue to work on the corresponding opinions by the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences (IJCF) and the Special Prosecutor’s Office for ava start in the identification of the rest of the victims.

Bags with human remains were key to finding one of the graves

It was at the end of last April when at least 70 bags with human remains were found after a anonymous complaint made to the Jalisco State Prosecutor’s Office where a bad smell from a field was alerted.

According to the authorities, the field is approximately 196 yards and is located on Calle Almería , on the corner with Agapanto and was used as a warehouse for plastic products for recycling. Neighbors had observed bags with the naked eye and the rest were buried in a pit. It was then that the authorities began search work.

Jalisco , the entity with the most disappeared

Jalisco is the state with more missing and unaccounted for Mexico citizens by accumulating up to 23 last May, a total of 12 one thousand 800, 14. 55 percent of the national total of 100 one thousand 188 people in that condition, according to figures from the National Search Commission.

As if that were not enough, it is also the entity with the highest number of enforced disappearances, with 2 thousand 421 cases reported by the F State iscalía.

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