Friday, September 20

Angélica Vale will have her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: “I dedicate it to Mexico, my country”

Angélica Vale tendrá su estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood: “Se la dedico a México, mi país”
Angelica Vale.

Photo: Angélica Vale / Courtesy

Angelica Vale is unable to with his soul of emotion , so much that it passes in a second from laughing to crying, and from happiness to nostalgia … Why? Because today he received the news that she was chosen by the strict committee to have her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame .

Within hours of receiving the news, even led under the influence of her husband Otto Padrón so that the surprise is greater, we interview exclusively Angelica, who assures that this star was first dreamed by Wendy Nayeli, her beloved character in ‘Amigas y Rivals’ and that it is dedicated to Mexico.

– How did you receive the news?

Angelica Vale: My husband told me that they were going to make a mention of my mom Special ion, I planning everything, made me record a tour of the station where we were, saying that my mother was going to have this special mention in the ‘Hollywood Walk Of Fame’ , I’m already sitting, and suddenly when I heard my name the first thing I did was start crying, and I turned to say to my husband: “I hate you, I hate you” , which obviously meant “I love you” … He said, because it was a surprise, because I started to cry, the emotion won me over, and because I imagine that he had to do with this … I have been crying, laughing, has It has been an impressive day, I have the video, I will post it on my Youtube channel , I really am very excited and very happy, I still can’t believe it.

– What did you feel at that moment that you heard your name?

Angelica Vale: I was very excited Too much, they gave me many feelings and the urge to cry, because one believes that when people who speak English work in Spanish they do not appreciate it, they do not turn to see us … I know how difficult it is to get a star, I know that many people go through your folder who sit on that committee, there are many heads who think and decide who is they wear the stars that year… When I heard my name it gave me a lot of emotion because I said: “someone is looking at my work, someone knows who I am” … I felt very grateful and very happy.

What does this star mean to you?

Angelica Vale: It is the cherry or a floor of the cake of my entire career , which I never imagined would arrive, and it is also a celebration of all the years that I have been working here, how difficult it is to have a career in Spanish here in the united states s . It is a wonderful recognition, and to know that the American people know the effort that you are doing in Spanish, it feels very nice , it is a very special recognition.

If you close your eyes , you open them and you see yourself in front of your star, what do you think?

Angelica Vale: I’m going to a great memory… I remember Emilio La Rosa and ‘Amigas y Rivales’ … I remember the year 2000, makes 21 years, having come to Los Angeles to record the beginning of the novel, to record Wendy Nayeli putting her hands on a star, imagining it was her star , and I remember perfectly having had the same dream as Wendy Nayeli and saying: “one day, one day I will lorgar ”… And it makes me want to cry because I remember that moment so much, Wendy Nayeli got her star .

– Who do you dedicate this star to?

Angelica Vale: This star is dedicated to my grandmother because I love her , because obviously without her I would not be who I am today, and to Mexico, my country, because if I have a career in the United States like the one I have today, it is thanks to Mexico .

– Who do you want to be your side on the day of the ceremony?

Angelica Vale: I want to be next to my mother, my children, of my husband, and of George Clooney and Robert Downey Jr., but I don’t know if I’m going to invite them, I don’t want anyone to overshadow me (laughs).

– If you could choose where your star is located, who would you like as a neighbor?

Angelica Vale : I would love to be next to my mother’s, but I would not say no to Robert Downey Jr.