Thursday, October 3

Ritual and prayer of Saint Anthony of Padua, the saint who helps you find a partner

Tradition indicates that Saint Anthony of Padua should be turned upside down until he fulfills the miracle of true love. Learn why he is the patron of impossible loves and how the ritual is done

Ritual y oración de San Antonio de Padua, el santo que te ayuda a conseguir pareja
Saint Anthony of Padua is the patron of impossible loves.

Photo: JackieLou / Pixabay

Miguel Angel Castillo

One of the love rituals most popular in Latin countries like Mexico is place a head saint to ask for the ideal partner to arrive . You have probably heard about this custom, but what saint is it that is placed in that way to ask for our soulmate to arrive? The answer is Saint Anthony of Padua .

His real name was Fernando de Bulloes and Taveira de Azevedo. Died a 13 of June and by order of Pope Gregory IX, that day is commemorated in his honor since the year 1232. He was born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1195. To the 25 years he adopted the name of Antonio after becoming a Franciscan. He is represented with a baby Jesus in his arms because according to religious beliefs, he witnessed an apparition, reviewed in a Millennium article.

Various miracles are attributed to him , the most famous of which took place in the town of Padua, Italy, when a young man named Leonardo kicked his mother. Repentant, he confessed his fault to friar Antonio, who told him “The foot of the one who kicks his own mother deserves to be cut off.”

Leonardo, with a repentant soul , he cut his foot at home. When Antonio found out, he went home, took the amputated limb and miraculously put it back in.

Later, he suffered from malaria and decided to retire with the friars of Camposampiero , a few miles away from Padua. That was where, on his deathbed, the baby Jesus appeared to him and spoke with Him. He died to the 36 years. Just a few months after his death, was canonized on 30 May 1232 .

Ritual of Saint Anthony of Padua

This saint is the patron of impossible loves, that is why men and women come to him to do “the miracle” for them. To request this purpose, you need to get a figure or image of this saint, a white candle and a white flower .

Place on a small altar the image, the flower in a vase with water and light the candle with a match . Pray the following prayer:

“Almighty and eternal God: you glorified your faithful confessed Antonio with the constant gift of working miracles. Grant me this love that I ask of you, trusting in the intercession of your very beloved servant. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen ”. Every day 13 you must repeat this ritual until a couple arrives.

Why do you turn upside down?

It is a popular tradition to ask Saint Anthony of Padua for the miracle of a true love and according to belief, to fulfill it must be obtained 13 coins given away from close people, offer them to the saint and place him upside down until he completes the miracle . However, this practice is not Christian, so it is hardly used anymore.

It may interest you: What saint can help you find things lost?

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