Friday, September 20

Regional elections in Chile: Constituent Unit triumphs in the ballot and the ruling party Chile Vamos sinks

The center-left Constituent Unit force was the great winner of the regional elections in Chile this Sunday.

With almost the 100% of votes counted, Constituent Unit won in 10 of the 16 regions of the South American country, two in the first round and the other eight in today’s ballot.

The most important victory was that of Santiago from Chile, where the candidate Claudio Orrego won with 52, 73% to Karina Oliva , who was promoted by the left-wing coalition Frente Amplio.

On the contrary, the ruling party’s formula, Chile Vamos, only won in one region, a setback for President Sebastián Piñera.

This was the first It is the only time in history that Chileans elected regional governors, who were previously appointed by the Executive.

Citizen participation was only from 19, 6%.

All results

With data to 99, 98% reported by the Electoral Service of Chile, the Constituent Unit formula won the victory in eight regions in the second round this Sunday:

  • Arica y Parinacota , Jorge Díaz Ibarra (58%)
  • Antofagasta , Ricardo Díaz (72%)
  • Los Lagos , Patricio Vallespín (62%)
  • Los Ríos , Luis Cuvertino (59%)
  • Maule , Cristina Bravo (53%)
  • Ñuble , Óscar Crisóstomo (52%)
  • O ‘ Higgins , Pablo Silva (57%)
  • Santiago , Claudio Orrego (53%)

In the first round they won Aysén (Andrea Macías) and Magallanes Antarctica (Jorge Flies).

Una mesa de votación
Citizen participation was just under 20%.

The formula of the Broad Front was raised in Tarapacá (José Miguel Carvajal, 57%) and in the first round in V alparaíso (Rodrigo Mundaca)

Chile Vamos won in this second round in La Araucanía (Luciano Rivas, 58% ).

Atacama was for the independent candidate Miguel Vargas (58%), like Biobío with Rodrigo Díaz (71%); Coquimbo was won by ecologist Krist Naranjo (62%).

A thermometer from Chile

This is the first time that governors have been directly elected by the citizens, which raises a historical change in the political structure of the country.

Previously, there was the figure of the “mayor”, who was appointed by the incumbent president.

Now, the new regional leader – who will take office on 14 of July and will remain in it for four years— it will become an important counterweight for the president by having popular representation, and will have key attributions to decision-making in the area it represents.

Sebastián Piñera
The coalition of President Sebastián Piñera, Chile Vamos, could only win one region.

“The importance of e this election is the democratization of regional governments , not only from the citizen’s point of view, but also from the political system itself, because a new actor is incorporated that, without a doubt, is going to be a a counterweight to the central government ”, explains the political scientist of the University of Santiago, Pamela Figueroa.

For this reason, for the presidential candidates it was of the utmost importance who is elected.

In addition, the elections prior to the presidential elections have historically been a kind of “thermometer” to measure the political preferences of Chileans.

The analysts pointed out that, if the balance is tilted to the left this Sunday, the candidates for the presidential seat of that bloc could benefit more.

“Those who win the election will be better positioned to give the kick-off to the presidential campaign, ”Figueroa warned prior to the ballot.

The right wing of Chile Vamos was defeated this Sunday.

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