Friday, September 20

Bárbara de Regil is accused of committing fraud after promoting a challenge on social networks

After several complaints appeared on Tik Tok and Instagram of users who accuse Bárbara de Regil for scam them with the famous brand BR5, which has been indicated to cause health problems , the influencer declined when considering that she is only the advertising image .

In social networks, the model also asked those affected for their data to offer them “a new health challenge”.

“Hello sisters unfortunately the BR5 challenge is not mine . I was hired as an image and in the pandemic the offices closed . I want to make up for it with my challenge. I’m going to send you an email where you can send your proof of payment or confirmation and there they will give you the password so that you can access ”, wrote the famous in one of the posts of the BR5 6-week challenge account.

To In this regard, the nutritionist and youtuber Aries Terrón revealed what his famous protein “Loving It” actually contains and said he was the victim of retaliation for showing the lack of quality in the supplements that the model advertises.

It disturbs me to see how far influence peddling reaches in our Country, in which the saying is common: ‘ Who does not deal, does not go’. And where people who belong to a certain social stratum feel they have the right to intimidate people who have crushed stone “, expressed the specialist in social networks.