Friday, September 20

Coin under the bed, one of the simplest rituals to attract abundance

Placing a coin under the bed is one of the easiest white magic spells to do for prosperity and abundance. Here we tell you why and the correct way to do it

Moneda bajo la cama, uno de los rituales más sencillos para atraer la abundancia
The coin spell is simple to perform.

Photo: Ayaneshu Bhardwaj / Unsplash


If you are looking to attract prosperity, abundance and money to your life, the ritual of Coin under the bed is one of the most effective and simple to achieve that goal. It is a white magic spell that targets balance the energies of your financial situation .

This procedure is authored by the expert in esoteric issues Luz Silva Soler, who explained on her page, that was inherited from generation to generation, and for it to fulfill its mission it must be carried out when there is a real need and not out of greed.

Wealth and abundance not only it is about money issues, but also about harmony and balance in any aspect of life , like family and a stable partner, so this ritual is not only good for money, but for job seekers or we will have a job interview, he specified.

In addition, he stressed that this spell involves white magic, so it does not hide evil or is intended to harm an adie.

How to do the ritual of the coin under the bed

The basic material is a currency that is in circulation and that is of the lowest possible value . Other tools that will be dealt with are: a crystal glass, salt, incense, white paper and a green pen, the color of abundance.

The first step is to wash well the coin with any product available at home, afterwards it must be dried well with a disposable cloth. The second step is to pour clean water into the glass (two fingers or less than half of the glass) and add salt. Dissolve the salt with a spoon stirring in a clockwise direction, place the coin inside and carry out the same procedure, that is, stir in a clockwise direction. According to Silva Soler, through this technique we withdraw all the energies that the coin absorbed of all the hands that touched it.

Take the coin out of the glass and dry it completely. Place it on top of a cloth and light an incense . Now cut a piece of paper big enough to wrap around the coin. Rub it in your heart making circles, then write with the green pen your full name, date and place of birth and back draw lines until it is almost completely green.

Go through the incense the coin and while you do it repeat “money come to me”, wrap the coin with the paper and place it under your bed until the abundance arrives.

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