Friday, September 20

Biden and the Pentagon: “There will be other biological threats,” but global warming is the greatest danger to US security.


In initiating his first overseas trip as president, Biden stated that “There is no wall high enough to keep us safe from this pandemic or of the next biological threat we face “

Biden y el Pentágono: “habrá otras amenazas biológicas”, pero el calentamiento global es el mayor peligro a la seguridad de EE.UU.
Biden visits British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Photo: EPA / Hollie Adams / EFE

Upon landing in Europe to meet with your government allies against Russian hackers and possible Chinese link on COVID origins – , President Joe Biden claimed that for years for the United States, President Joe Pentagon global warming is “the greatest threat facing the United States.”

On 2004, “When I was chosen Vice President for the first time with President Obama, the military sat us down to inform us what they were the greatest threats facing the United States , “Biden told US troops in England on Wednesday shortly after landing for its first trip abroad as president.

“This is no joke: you know what the Joint Chiefs of Staff told us was the biggest threat facing the United States? Global warming. Because there will be . are sinking under the sea in Indonesia, due to fights over arable land. ”

The Pentagon has followed since at least 2004 possible security implications of global warming. A Department of Defense Report of the Year described climate change as “an urgent and growing threat.” “, But that report did not rank changes in climate as the main threat, it noted New York Post.

Biden emphasized global warming in the first stopover of a trip through three countries until 17 in June, which will feature a G7 summit in England, a NATO summit in Belgium (Brussels) and a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva (Switzerland).

“I go to the G7, then to the NATO ministerial and then to meet with Putin to let him know what I want him to know, “Biden said.

” At every point along the way, we will make it clear that America is back. And the world’s democracies are united to tackle the toughest challenges and the problems that matter most for our future ”, he stressed.

Biden warned of the threat of global warming after mentioning COVID – , not to mention that the Chinese government is transparent as the theory from the “laboratory leak” gains ground, as it had done days ago .

“We have to end COVID – 19, not only at home, what we are doing, but everywhere. There is no wall high enough to keep us safe from this pandemic or the next biological threat we face, and there will be others. ”He said, before changing the subject, saying:“ We must all commit to ambitious climate action if we are to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. ”

In late May, Biden ordered the intelligence community to start a review of the evidence to determine whether the coronavirus had emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the central city of China, as has been suggested. Immediately, .

Days after, Biden stated that his Chinese counterpart believes that his country will “own the United States” in the next few years years, speaking to American service members in a military base in Virginia, on the eve of the Memorial Day holiday.

BIDEN: “This is not a joke. You what the Joint Chiefs told us the greatest threat facing America was? Global warming.”

– Daily Caller (@DailyCaller)

June 9, 2021